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Deep within him there was a response to a more tender call than the stern trumpeting of duty the answer to an appeal of remorseful eyes, of a pleading heart that could not bear the shame of the charge that he was hiding and afraid. For her, and his place of honor in her eyes, he was riding to Ascalon that hour. Not for Ascalon, and those in it who had snarled at his heels.

The sound of drumming and trumpeting came from the Albany Street Barracks, and every church within earshot was hard at work killing sleep with a vehement disorderly tocsin. There was a noise of doors opening, and window after window in the houses opposite flashed from darkness into yellow illumination.

The trumpeting of the elephants, the waving of the trunks, disporting, like huge water-snakes, in the perturbed current, the splashing of the bamboos, the dark bodies of the natives swimming here and there round the animals, the unwieldy boat piled high with how-dahs and pads, the whole heap surmounted by a group of sportsmen with their gleaming weapons, and variegated puggrees, make up a picturesque and memorable sight.

As the great beast was tearing around, trumpeting shrilly and breaking off trees Mr. Durban fired. The creature sank down, instantly killed, and was out of his misery, for often it is great pain which makes an otherwise peaceable elephant become a "rogue." "He's done for," said Ned. "I guess you have the tusks you want now, Mr. Durban."

"I can make him go!" said Jackanapes, and drawing from his pocket the trumpet he had bought in the fair, he blew a blast both loud and shrill. Away went Lollo, and away went Jackanapes' hat. His golden hair flew out, an aureole from which his cheeks shone red and distended with trumpeting. Away went Spitfire, mad with the rapture of the race, and the wind in his silky ears.

Had my boy lived, God knows I'd have made him a surgeon. But " Here the doctor snorted violently and coughed, trumpeting hard with his nose. "Confound these foggy nights! I'll put you through." "I'll pay my way," said Barney almost sullenly, "or I'll stay at home." "What are you doing here, then?" he roared at the boy. "I came to find out how to start. Must a man go to college?"

Then they swam out into deep water, and rolled and tumbled about, having great fun. They splashed each other, squirted water all over, and soon were as cool as cucumbers on ice. All at once, through the jungle, there sounded a loud trumpeting. "Hark!" cried Whoo-ee, as he stopped squirting water on Thorny. "What's that?" "It's Mr. Boom signaling that there's danger!" cried Tum Tum.

There is too much of this trumpeting in our day; it spoils the simplicity and reality of many a character." "I've seen it, sir," replied Reuben. "I used to laugh at it formerly, but I grieve over it now.

Holy is the wife; revered the mother; galliptious is the summer girl but the bride is the certified check among the wedding presents that the gods send in when man is married to mortality. The car glided up the Golden Way. On the bridge of the great cruiser the captain stood, trumpeting the sights of the big city to his passengers.

Kari raised his trunk and silenced their silly chatter by trumpeting. Then he said, "I want a mate tonight. How many of you free-born want to test my strength?" One of the young elephants said, "How old are you?" "There is no age to a hero," answered Kari. One of the elephants, the leader of the herd, shook his head.