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This is what we have designated as the le troisieme dessous. It is the grave of shadows. It is the cellar of the blind. Inferi. This communicates with the abyss. There disinterestedness vanishes. The demon is vaguely outlined; each one is for himself. The I in the eyes howls, seeks, fumbles, and gnaws. The social Ugolino is in this gulf.

At Paris, just after dark one gusty evening in the autumn of 18-, I was enjoying the twofold luxury of meditation and a meerschaum, in company with my friend C. Auguste Dupin, in his little back library, or book-closet, au troisieme, No. 33, Rue Dunot, Faubourg St. Germain.

Well, if you were to accept of this kind offer, and go with him, you would find 'au troisieme; a handsome, painted and p d strumpet, in a tarnished silver or gold second-hand robe, playing a sham party at cards for livres, with three or four sharpers well dressed enough, and dignified by the titles of Marquis, Comte, and Chevalier.

"Si la volonte divine a cree par un seul Acte l'Universalite des etres, d'ou venoient ces plantes et ces animaux dont Moyse nous decrit la Production au troisieme et au cinquieme jour du renouvellement de notre monde?

We had come far? the eyes asked, burning a hole through our gossamer evasions; from Paris, perhaps a glance at our bonnets proclaimed the eyes knew all; we were here for the fete, to see the bishop on the morrow; that was well; we were going on to the Mont; and the eyes scented the shortness of our stay by a swift glance at our luggage. "Numero quatre, au troisieme!" There was no appeal possible.

She took the money mechanically. "Where am I? Oh! where am I staying? Sixteen Himmelstrasse, third floor yes, that's it. No: 18 Rue Petits Champs, troisième étage. Oh, no: 241 Hill Street. I'll show you the baby. I must get it now." And she sped away, coughing. Keith, having watched her till she disappeared, walked on in deep reflection, hardly knowing what course to take.

This disastrous expedition, therefore, went no further north, than the Jordan or Santee. Nouvelle series, tome xxxv. Annee 1853. Tome troisieme. Paris. Les Papes geographes et la cartographic du Vatican. Par R. M. Thomassey.

"In letters," he tells us, "it has led to materialism and anarchy, while the Bourbons personify for France peace, glory," etc. Troisième Série des Causeries Littéraires. Par Armand de Pontmartin. Pontmartin is an able representative of the side he has taken.

They resolved forthwith to make a pilgrimage to Florida, and quaff at morning, noon, and night from the Fountain of Youth. At Paris, just after dark one gusty evening in the autumn of 18 , I was enjoying the twofold luxury of meditation and a meerschaum, in company with my friend, C. Auguste Dupin, in his little back library, or book-closet, au troisième, No. 33 Rue Dunôt, Faubourg St. Germain.

Germain au troisiême. "How was it possible," I asked, "that you should know the man to be a sailor, and belonging to a Maltese vessel?" "I do not know it," said Dupin. "I am not sure of it. Here, however, is a small piece of ribbon, which from its form, and from its greasy appearance, has evidently been used in tying the hair in one of those long queues of which sailors are so fond.