United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In either case there seems to be an intimate connection between the music and the spirit of the public for which it is provided. The peasant of the Campagna and of the Latian, Alban and Sabine hills takes his pleasure, even that of the dance, as an impertinent Frenchman said of us Anglo-Saxons, moult tristement.

The consequence of this and other similar announcements was, that the postman seemed never to be away from Villiers's door; and every time he came he was laden with letters and cards of invitation, addressed, for the most part, to Villiers himself, who, with something of dismay, saw his study table getting gradually covered with accumulating piles of society litter, such as is comprised in the various formal notifications of dinners, dances, balls, soirees, "at homes," and all the divers sorts of entertainment with which the English "s'amusent moult tristement."

"On a banni les demons et les fees, Le raisonner tristement s'accredite: On court, helas! apres la verite: Ah! croyez moi, l'erreur a son merite!"

How the good-natured crowd, easily pleased, gathers round the Ethiopian troubadour, trolling in unison his amorous catches! Daisy, Daisy, donne-moi ta reponse. And hark! Do you not hear in the distance the squeak of Puncinello? Ah! why have we none of this happy carelessness in England? we who take our pleasures moult tristement why have we not this lightheartedness, this camaraderie of enjoyment?

All eyes turned toward the blue satin curtains; they moved: the lights were lowered; the violins played a languorous air: with a rustle not unlike that caused by the movement of wings the curtains were drawn back and disclosed an empty garden. Then, following the stage direction, the Marquise entered "tristement sur la scène."