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I told them that I was the culprit's principal accuser; that I was assured he was not only not within the house, but I verily believed many miles distant. They believed me, and respectfully enough retired. Miss Tremayne, the companion and nurse of the invalid, now with myself stood over her.

It was Major Tremayne; and now the soldier regarded Blanchard's vanishing figure with evident amazement, then spoke. "By Jove! Tom Newcombe, by all that's wonderful," he said. NOW many different persons in various places were simultaneously concerned with Will Blanchard and his affairs. At Newtake, Martin Grimbal was quietly buying a few lots and those worth the most money.

"Oh, thanks! That would be delightful," beamed Mrs. Tremayne. "The girls and I could go to-day if you can take us. My husband and Clive are out with the motor-bike, so it's a splendid opportunity." "Let me see! The tide should be just right this afternoon," agreed Bevis cheerfully. "Mavis and Merle know the way to Gurgan Point.

"It didn't sound like it, Terence." "It's the name I ought to bear," he said. "And I killed that liar for it the only truth he spoke." He came forward to the table. The full sense of his position suddenly overwhelmed him, as Tremayne had said it would. A groan broke from him and he collapsed into a chair, a stricken, broken man.

"You are quite certain of that?" "Oh, quite certain, sir. If a light had shown from one of them I couldn't have failed to notice it." "That will do." "Captain Tremayne " began the president. "I have no questions for the witness, sir," Tremayne announced. Sir Harry's face expressed surprise.

"Oh, I shouldn't like to face her in the study, of course." "Miss Fanny is a dear!" "And so is Miss Pollard." "What d'you think of the monitresses?" "Merle is A1!" "Yes, I'm taken with Mavis and Merle! Partly because they seem to belong to Chagmouth. They come over nearly every Saturday with Dr. Tremayne." "Good! Then we shall see something of them. Hello! What's this car trying to pass us?

The adjutant, still occupied, would follow as soon as he possibly could, whilst Captain Tremayne would go on directly from the lodgings which he shared in Alcantara with Major Carruthers also of the adjutant's staff whither he had ridden to dress some twenty minutes earlier.

Mr and Mrs Tremayne and their daughter had reached the little hotel at the Lizard Head, when they heard that a small boat had been seen in a fearfully perilous position anchored at a short distance outside the breakers. They hastened down to the beach, where some of the coast-guard men and several other persons were collected.

As Arnold was more than two months and a half behind the news, he found not a little relief in hearing from Tremayne of all that had taken place since the recapture of the Lucifer.

Then, suddenly, with hands clenched behind his back, he checked by the window, checked on a horrible question that had flashed upon his tortured mind. What if already the evil should be irreparable? What proof had he that it was not so? The door opened, and Tremayne himself came in quickly.