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Thus politics as a trade, parties as trademarks, the politicians, like harlots, plying their vocation. Now and again an able, honest and brave man, who aims at better things, appears.

Intellectual property rights have been transformed into a myriad pernicious monopolies which threaten to stifle innovation and competition. Intellectual property patents, content libraries, copyrighted material, trademarks, rights of all kinds are sometimes the sole assets and the only hope for survival of cash-strapped and otherwise dysfunctional or bankrupt firms.

Then Alice Mayton came into my mind, and then a customer; later, stars and trademarks, and bouquets, and dirty nephews, and fireflies and bad accounts, and railway tickets, and candy and Herbert Spencer, mixed themselves confusingly in my mind.

The Second Volksraad shall have the power to pass further regulations on the following subjects as is necessary, either by law or resolution: The department of mines. The making and support of wagon and post roads. The postal department. The department of telegraphs and telephones. The protection of inventions, samples and trademarks. The protection of the right of the author.

The latter are now sold in England, with trifling modifications and new trademarks, at from one-third to one-half the price our people have to pay. The secret of making money out of these great fairs seemed to have been lost.

You must learn the trick; you must imitate the trademarks of poverty, misery, oppression, insult, and the other several and common inhumanities that sap the manliness out of a man and make him a loyal and proper and approved subject and a satisfaction to his masters, or the very infants will know you for better than your disguise, and we shall go to pieces at the first hut we stop at.

As partners with whom to share both life and fortune they might have seemed impossible to many discerning men. Beth sat down on a rock, near Gettysburg. Someway she, too, liked the three old chaps of whom work had made three trademarks. Old Gettysburg began to sing. Kimo, karo, pito, garo, Kimo, bolly mitty kimo. Napoleon looked up at the end of the song and spat upon his hands.

Because man is made in the image of God we naturally look for those divine trademarks in man's body called comeliness and complexion, just as we look for the artist's name on the corner of his picture, or the sculptor's name on the pedestal of his statue. By so much as a babe's cheek is higher than the blushing peach, it ought to be more beautiful.

The only change more observant persons began to notice in his conduct was, that he had drawn the line of demarcation very strongly between those persons who by rank and worth, and nobility of life, merited his attention, and those who by mere Push and Pocket, sought to win his favour by that servile flattery and obsequiousness which are the trademarks of the plebeian and vulgarian.

There were 26,540 letters patent granted, including reissues and designs, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900; 1,660 trademarks, 682 labels, and 93 prints registered. The number of patents which expired was 19,988. The total receipts for patents were $1,358,228.35. The expenditures were $1,247,827.58, showing a surplus Of $110,400.77