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This latter quality is indefinable, and perhaps non-existent. Let us now imagine Wakefield bidding adieu to his wife. It is the dusk of an October evening. His equipment is a drab greatcoat, a hat covered with an oil-cloth, top-boots, an umbrella in one hand and a small portmanteau in the other. He has informed Mrs. Wakefield that he is to take the night-coach into the country.

Ericson laughed, but good-naturedly. 'Yes, he answered, 'a little man with a fishy smell, in a blue tail-coat with brass buttons, and a red and black nightcap. 'But, Robert ventured to hint, 'he might go in a kilt and top-boots, like Satan in my grannie's copy o' the Paradise Lost, for onything I would care. 'Yes, but he's just like his looks.

And though his face was as cherubic as ever, there was haughty reproof in every button. "Who are you?" demanded the Duchess; "oh, gracious me, what a pretty child!" Surely no cherub especially one in such knowing top-boots could be reasonably expected to put up with this! Master Milo's innocent brow clouded suddenly, and the expression of his glittering buttons grew positively murderous.

Early in the morning the whole house was astir; large hampers were packed, ladies and gentlemen were clad in gay midsummer attire, and, soon after breakfast, huge carriages with four horses, and postilions with red coats and top-boots, after the fashion of the olden time, were drawn up before the door.

The day promised to be hot, and for the first time, Presley had put on a new khaki riding suit, very English-looking, though in place of the regulation top-boots, he wore his laced knee-boots, with a great spur on the left heel. Harran joined him at breakfast, in his working clothes of blue canvas. He was bound for the irrigating ditch to see how the work was getting on there.

THE next Saturday evening there was much excited discussion at the Donnithorne Arms concerning an incident which had occurred that very day no less than a second appearance of the smart man in top-boots said by some to be a mere farmer in treaty for the Chase Farm, by others to be the future steward, but by Mr.

Oh, yes, and to have my sons able to hunt in red coats and top-boots, and my daughters to ride on side-saddles how do you do, gintlemen? ladies, your most obedient! but, where are we? what is this? Is this the light of hell, and these the devils with their black faces?

He was quite six feet high, very awkwardly built, and wore under his frock a long-tailed blue-coat, dingy buckskin nether garments, and top-boots, with the tops tanned brown by service. His countenance betrayed a mixture of simplicity, ignorance, and strong animal instinct. He was the least suited being that could be possibly conceived of whom to make a sailor.

Rintzeva took the little girl on her lap, pressing her plump, bare, little arms to her bosom with a mother's tenderness, and gave her a bit of sugar. As Mary Pavlovna left the room, two men came in with boiling water and provisions. One of the men who came in was a short, thin, young man, who had a cloth-covered sheepskin coat on, and high top-boots.

‘Over-driv the cab, and driv over a ’ooman,’ replied the top-boots, with brevity. ‘Do you know the mayor’s house?’ inquired Mr. Trott. ‘Rather,’ replied the boots, significantly, as if he had some good reason to remember it. ‘Do you think you could manage to leave a letter there?’ interrogated Trott. ‘Shouldn’t wonder,’ responded boots.