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He has risen from a sailor, and is considered by the Archontes rather in the light of a parvenu. He is courageous and enterprising, but a bit of a pirate. BONDOMES, SAMADHOFF, GHIKA, ORLANDO. Hydriot merchants without anything but their money to recommend them. PEPINOS. A Hydriot sailor of the clan of Tombazes, who has distinguished himself frequently in fireships.

All considered, this man is more capable of introducing order and regularity into the ships than any other Greek. JAKOMAKI TOMBAZES. A Hydriot merchant and captain, brother of the former. He commanded the fleet the first year of the Revolution, and to him is due the introduction of fire-vessels, by which he destroyed the first Turkish line-of-battle ship at Mytelene.

Jakomaki Tombazes, with thirty-seven of these smaller enemies, set off to meet them, and falling in with one of the ships, gave her chase, till, in the roads of Eripos, she was attacked on the 8th of June, and, with the help of a fireship, destroyed with a loss of nearly four hundred men.

His penetration went no further than bribing one captain to destroy another; which had for effect merely the changing the names of chieftains without diminishing the power. I understand he has lately retired to Hydra, and takes no active part in affairs. EMANUEL TOMBAZES. A Hydriot merchant and captain. There are two brothers, at the head of the party opposed to Konduriottes.