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As Jooneer was but some sixty miles from Toka, the explanation was natural enough and, as the former town lay near to the main road from Scindia's dominions in Candeish, it afforded an explanation of Balloba's partial recognition of his face. "And as a merchant, you can read and write, I suppose?" the latter went on. "Yes, your highness, sufficiently well for my business." "Well, think it over.

"Toka abe do! toka abe do!" With a warwhoop he sprang toward the intruder, who rose up and leaped upon the back of Slow Dog's warsteed. He had cut the hobble, as well as the device of the old medicine man. The Sioux now bent his bow to shoot, but it was too late. The other quickly dodged behind the animal, and from under its chest he sent a deadly arrow to Slow Dog's bosom.

Half a mile distant, a jagged, irregular mountain-peak raised high its emerald-hued head in the clear sunshine, and from every lofty tree on both sides of the stream there came the continuous call of the gentle wood-doves and the great grey pigeons. With Nalik and myself there came old Sru and the imp Toka, who at once set to work and found us some small crayfish for bait.

In the afternoon leaving the rest of our party to amuse themselves by catching crayfish and to make traps for wild pigs Sru, Nalik, Toka, and myself set out towards the pool at the head of the river, where, I was assured, we were sure to get a pig or two by nightfall.

Small boy of ten, named Toka, the terror of the village for his illimitable impudence and unsurpassed devilry. He had three dogs. Before we started old Sru, Nalik, and myself had some Hollands, two bottles of which were also placed in the care of Nalik's wife. The "devil," as Toka was called, mimicked us as we drank, smacked his lips and rubbed one hand up and down his stomach.