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The matron's warning inquiry, what had become of her favorite's high- minded calm, and her advice to restrain her weeping, lest she should appear before the public in the Amphitheater with tear-stained eyes, helped her to compose herself. The tire-woman had not finished her work when Alexander returned, and Melissa dared not turn her head for fear of disturbing her in her task.

"Your mistress, I fear, is ill, Agatha," he said to the tire-woman, when the Lady Maude had sought her chamber. The maid looked aslant at him with laughing eyes. "It is not an illness that kills," quoth she. "Pray God not!" he cried. "But tell me, Agatha, what it is that ails her?"

The matron's warning inquiry, what had become of her favorite's high-minded calm, and her advice to restrain her weeping, lest she should appear before the public in the Amphitheater with tear-stained eyes, helped her to compose herself. The tire-woman had not finished her work when Alexander returned, and Melissa dared not turn her head for fear of disturbing her in her task.

"And I," said the younger sister, "shall wear my usual petticoat, but shall set it off with my gold brocaded train and my circlet of diamonds." They sent for a clever tire-woman to prepare the double rows of quilling for their caps, and they purchased a quantity of fashionably cut patches.

No tire-woman on the plantation was busier than Patty during the first few days of his stay. After that he grew sulky and vented his spleen on poor Tom, winning more money from him at billiards and picquet. Since the doctor was too much the macaroni to ride to hounds and to shoot ducks, time began to hang exceeding heavy on his hands. Patty and I had many a quiet laugh over his predicament.

Her aunt took a solemn leave of her, crossed her forehead, kissed it, and whispered in her ear, "Be courageous, and be fortunate." "May not my bower-maiden, Rose Flammock, or my tire-woman, Dame Gillian, Raoul's wife, remain in the apartment with me for this night?" said Eveline. "Flammock-Raoul!" repeated Ermengarde, angrily; "is thy household thus made up?

Margery often fell to the share of A'Dale, for the damsel was in no way inclined to associate with the serving-men, nor would she have been could she have understood their language; indeed, she was in all respects superior to an ordinary tire-woman.

When you have been coming to see the countess. I have taken the liberty of noticing that you come often." "Oh yes; I come very often," said Newman, laughing. "You need not have been wide-awake to notice that." "I have noticed it with pleasure, sir," said the ancient tire-woman, gravely. And she stood looking at Newman with a strange expression of face.

No tire-woman on the plantation was busier than Patty during the first few days of his stay. After that he grew sulky and vented his spleen on poor Tom, winning more money from him at billiards and picquet. Since the doctor was too much the macaroni to ride to hounds and to shoot ducks, time began to hang exceeding heavy on his hands. Patty and I had many a quiet laugh over his predicament.

I pray you to stay at home and leave the matter with me." "Nay, Nigel, she may sorely need a woman's aid, and what woman should it be save her own sister? I can take my tire-woman with us." "Nay, I shall ride with you myself if your impatience can keep within the powers of my mule," said the old priest. "But it is not your road, father?"