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He alludes several times to the importance of getting command of the sea. This country would have been saved some disasters and been less often in peril had British writers taken as guides by the public possessed the same grasp of the true principles of defence as Thucydides exhibited. One passage in his history is worth quoting.

We should see those opinions and feelings which produced the great struggle against the House of Stuart slowly growing up in the bosom of private families, before they manifested themselves in parliamentary debates. Then would come the civil war. Those skirmishes on which Clarendon dwells so minutely would be told, as Thucydides would have told them, with perspicuous conciseness.

Soasmus was upon this replaced on the Armenian throne, the task of settling him in the government being deputed to a certain Thucydides, by whose efforts, together with those of Martius Verus, all opposition to the restored monarch was suppressed, and the entire country tranquillized.

Thucydides was one of the noble and distinguished citizens, and had been his greatest opponent; and, when Archidamus, the king of the Lacedaemonians, asked him whether he or Pericles were the better wrestler, he made this answer: "When I," said he, "have thrown him and given him a fair fall, he by persisting that he had no fall, gets the better of me, and makes the bystanders, in spite of their own eyes, believe him."

It's better than doing Thucydides with Downing. We've got math, till the interval, so I don't see anything of him all day; which won't hurt me." "He isn't a bad sort of chap, when you get to know him," said Adair. "I can't have done, then. I don't know which I'd least soon be, Downing or a black-beetle, except that if one was Downing one could tread on the black-beetle. Dash this rain.

He had scarcely time to realize that this wonderful thing had happened before the mobile creature had darted to his book-shelves and was examining a Thucydides upside down. 'How clever to know Greek! she exclaimed. 'And do you really talk it with the other dons? 'No, we never talk shop, he laughed. 'But, Winifred, what made you come here? 'I had never seen Oxford. Isn't it beautiful?

It was her left hand, he realised again with horror that she was left-handed. Hurriedly, with a burrowing motion, he covered his head under the thick volume of Thucydides, and the blow came down, almost breaking his neck, and shattering his heart. He was shattered, but he was not afraid. Twisting round to face her he pushed the table over and got away from her.

Grosvenor Green's apartment, he owned his inability to cope with the affair, and said he must send for the superintendent; he was either in the Herodotus or the Thucydides, and would be there in a minute.

It is not only more natural, fuller of feeling, more touching and pathetic, but we know with absolute certainty that it was really delivered. Nature here takes precedence of art even though it be the art of Thucydides." "An illustration of the difference between oratory and inspiration" is Mr. John Bigelow's happy characterization of the Gettysburg address.

The world, since their day, has but followed in the same round, which only seems new: has only made the same experiments, and failed with the same failure, but less gallantly and less gloriously. One's school-boy adventures among books ended not long after winning the friendship of Homer and Thucydides, of Lucretius and Catullus.