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There we can take our ease and enj'y the lovely fruits that the Almighty have provided for the refreshment of poor sea-worn mariners." "Then, baint there no Spaniards to Trinidad, Mr Dyer?" demanded one of the men. "Not yet there baint," answered Dyer. "Doubtless in time they'll find their way there; but at present they'm so eager after gold that they only settles where gold is to be found.

"They'm two ipes, that's what they be," he muttered angrily, and if his judgment was severe, at least he spoke under the sting of considerable provocation. It was a week or two later that the parlour-maid gave notice, having been terrified almost to tears by an outbreak of sudden temper on the part of the master anent some underdone cutlets.

They Penns be a pauper lot him a fish-jouster as ain't so much as his awn donkey an' cart, an' lame tu. Not that 'twas his awn fault, I s'pose, but they do say a lame chap's never caught in a good trick notwithstandin'." "Here comes the weddeners!" said Joan, "but 'tedn' a very braave shaw," she added. "They'm all a-foot, I do b'lieve." "Aw, my dear sawl! look at that now!" cried Mrs. Tregenza.

I seem you'd do wise to take the whole kit; an' you'm that well-to-do that 'twouldn' be worth thinkin' 'bout. 'Twould be cheaper'n a shop; an' theer's everything a royal duke's cheel could want; an' a butivul robe wi' lacework cut 'pon it, an' lil bits o' ribbon to tie in the armholes Sundays. They'm vitty clothes."

She's gwain to be 'ansome, white as a lily she is, and it'll be better for she if she do have things to think of like the gentry. For if Ishmael's gentry, there's no rason Vassie shoulden be. They'm the same blood after all. An' it's dangerous blood, Mr. Boase." The Parson sat for a moment in silence while John-James shifted his feet anxiously.

They're clever, oh, they'm clever, but they'm not too clever for old Richards! 'Twas on the born tip o' my tongue to tell, tu, but... he said us niver washed, he did. Let his dom boys call us 'stinkers, he did. Sarve un dom well raight, I say!" Richards spat on a fresh boot and fell to his work, chuckling.

Look at him And you, 'Biades, can stand there an' look up at him so long as you like, provided you don't bust out cryin' at his altered appearance: no, nor crick your neck in doin' it, but bear in mind that mother used up the last of the arnica when you did it last time tryin' to count the buttons up Policeman Rat-it-all's uniform, an' that if the wind should shift of a sudden and catch you with your eyes bulgin' out of your head like they'm doin' at this moment, happen 'twill fix you up comical for life: an' then instead of your growin' up apprenticed to a butcher, as has been your constant dream, we'll have to put you into a travellin' show for a gogglin' May-game, an' that's where your heart will be turnin' ever, far from the Old Folks at Home. . . . You'll excuse me, Mr Nanjivell, but the time an' trouble it costs to wean that child's eyes off anything in the shape of a novelty you'd hardly believe. . . . Well, what do you say to 'Bert?"

"Um! Did your mother think so much of them, then?" "No, ma'am. They was always too rough for mother, they drinks a lot, and and swears terrible, and they'm always fighting." "I wonder at your mother leaving you to such people to be took care of."

It was pretty to hear 'em, for they'm all fine players, though mostly theer music was above my mark; but sometimes they'd get him to play somethin' by himself, and then 'twas sweet. But he give up playin' all of a sudden I could niver mek out why or wheer-for, an' I suppose it's over five-an'-twenty 'ear since he touched the fiddle." Now Mrs.

Are there any more of you in this place?" "He doesn't know, poor soul," answered Basset, interposing, "but I do; there be two more Englishmen that we've found in the cells; and they'm almost so bad as this man. We found 'em safely locked up; but they'm out now and being taken care of by our men." "Can they walk?" demanded George.