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Among his works may be named, "Institutiones Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae et Maeso-Gothicae," "Antiquae Literaturae Septentrionalis Thesaurus." In 1707 he published a "Discourse on Church Government," and eight years later became Bishop of Oxford. But neither is this all.

It is a thesaurus of pneumatological knowledge, collected with German assiduity. It will set many to thinking, though it may convince but few, except of the one truth, that the faith in the supernatural has been a universal faith, pervading all nations, persisting through all ages. The number of those who take an interest in the subject treated of in Mr.

But it is not my purpose to write a complete history of Jackson or of his administrations. Those who want fuller information should read Parton's long biography, in which almost every subject under the sun is alluded to, and yet which, in spite of its inartistic and unclassical execution, is the best thesaurus I know of for Jacksonian materials.

It prevailed in Robert Stephanus' Latin Thesaurus , the most considerable work of its kind that had been compiled since the invention of printing; but Dolet's Commentaries on the Latin Tongue , are practically a reversion to the arrangement by roots.

The rented typewriter, with its enticing bank of keys, was close at hand. A thousand sheets of paper and a box of carbon waited in the drawer of Uncle Ebeneezer's desk. His worn Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases was at his elbow. And they were poor. Then Harlan laughed, for they were no longer poor, and he had wholly forgotten it.

There is evidence, accordingly, that three pieces of work, already begun or projected by him in Aldersgate Street or Barbican, were prosecuted with some increased diligence in his house in High Holborn. One of these was the collection of materials for a Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, or Latin Dictionary, which he hoped some time to complete.

The thesaurus and omnium gatherum of the genus was Sauval's "Intrigues galantes de la cour de France" , of which Dunlop remarks that "to a passion, which has, no doubt, especially in France, had considerable effect in state affairs, there is assigned ... a paramount influence."

The original will be found in Stokes and Strachan, Thesaurus Palæohibernicus II, p. 290. The quotation from the Triads of Ireland at the head of this chapter is taken from Kuno Meyer also, ibid. pp. 102-3. A. Raw Material It is a mine of information, geographical and historical, about the East. I quote from the Everyman Edition as Marco Polo, op. cit., and from the Yule edition as Yule, op. cit.

The zealots of Byzantium completed the work of destruction. So we have the four comedies of Terence, numbering six of Menander, with a few sketches of plots one of them, the Thesaurus, introduces a miser, whom we should have liked to contrast with Harpagon and a multitude of small fragments of a sententious cast, fitted for quotation. Enough remains to make his greatness felt.

Ivory masterpieces, Hindu carvings, bronzes, landscapes, rare wood-cuts, water colors such a harmonious variety he had seldom seen in any private collection. The library was another thesaurus: rich bindings encased volumes worthy of their garb. The books, furthermore, showed the mellowing evidence of frequent use; here was no patron of the instalment editions-de-luxe!