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At lunch-time they began to shell us a bit, and it was almost a relief. At anyrate it was something to see and listen to. They were dead-off Mulberry Grove to-day, but they dotted a line of shells elegantly down the High Street. The bag was unusually good a couple of mules and a cart, a tennis-lawn, and a water-tank.

Here the English live, and in summer the familiar cries of the tennis-lawn may be heard, while in winter snow-shoeing, skating, and tobogganing hold merry sway. It was here, namely, on the island of Christeffsky, that a great ice fête was held on the day preceding the departure of the Howard Alexis household for Tver.

We could see its great round towers, standing grim and gray on the hillside commanding the whole of the valley, long before we approached it, and when we drove into the grounds we found a gay party in summer toilettes assembled on the ancient bowling-green, now transformed into a modern tennis-lawn. Mrs.

The house at Beckengham was something of an enterprise for them at that time, a reasonably large place by the standards of the early years of Tono-Bungay. It was a big, rather gaunt villa, with a conservatory and a shrubbery, a tennis-lawn, a quite considerable vegetable garden, and a small disused coach-house.

She was walking up and down on the tennis-lawn. The Nugget, lounging in a deck-chair, appeared to be asleep. She caught sight of me as I came out from the belt of trees, and stopped. I had the trying experience of walking across open country under hostile observation. The routing of Sam had left me alert and self-confident. I felt no embarrassment. I greeted her briskly. 'Good afternoon.

"Not now," I whispered as I hurried past him. "Oh, is that so?" he said, as though I had made an interesting statement, and limped away, looking backwards at me. I suppose he wants to say good-bye. He sat beside Mr. It is curious to think that I once saw Mr. Wicks on a tennis-lawn, walking across the grass.... Mr.

The two regarded each other in silence for a few moments. A party of guests who had been bathing came up the steps and seated themselves, with much chattering, at a table near them. The waiter approached. Mr. Cupples rose, and, taking Trent's arm, led him to a long tennis-lawn at the side of the hotel. 'I have a reason for telling you all this, began Mr. Cupples as they paced slowly up and down.

It is a sadly transformed wood. The open space before the chateau, once a smooth expanse of tennis-lawn, is now a dusty picketing-ground for transport mules, destitute of a single blade of grass. The ornamental lake is full of broken bottles and empty jam-tins. The pagoda-like summer-house, so inevitable to French chateau gardens, is a quartermaster's store.

I do not care that my feelings should be made a subject of discussion. You promise me? 'I promise you. They had now reached the tennis-lawn. The gong sounded, and Emily said, 'That is lunch, and we shall find Julia waiting for us in the dining-room. It was as she said. Mrs.

As he spoke, an aeroplane came sailing over the tops of the trees beyond the tennis-lawn. Gracefully as a bird it settled on the smooth turf, not twenty yards from where he was seated. Roland Bleke stepped stiffly out onto the tennis-lawn. His progress rather resembled that of a landsman getting out of an open boat in which he has spent a long and perilous night at sea.