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Turned professional thief, Joseph Locke, working locksmith, who had just saved money enough to buy a shop and good-will, and now lost it every penny. Turned atheist, and burnt the family Bible before his weeping wife and terrified children and gaping servant-girl, Mr. Williams, a Sunday-school teacher, known hitherto only as a mild, respectable man, a teetotaler, and a good parent and husband.

But A and B put their heads together to get a law passed which shall force C to be a teetotaler for the sake of D, who is in danger of drinking too much. There is no pressure on A and B. They are having their own way, and they like it. There is rarely any pressure on D. He does not like it, and evades it.

"Look here, Bill Russell, I don't want any of your larks," said Miss Vickers, recovering herself. "Larks?" repeated Mr. Russell, with an injured air. "I'm a teetotaler, and it's my duty to look after brothers that go astray." He produced a pledge-card from his waistcoat-pocket and, smoothing it out on the table, pointed with great pride to his signature.

He waited a moment, pondering, with the door-knob in his hand, then started out; but turned back and said that I had once been interested in Corrigan Castle, and asked me if I would go with him to his quarters in the evening and take a hot Scotch and talk it over. I was a teetotaler and liked relaxation, so I said I would. We drove from the lecture-hall together about half-past ten.

To Captain Fred Flower none of these things appealed. He had visited the cellar certainly in search of subterranean exits; he had sat in the tap-room close to the open window; but his rabid desire to get away from the place and never see it again could not have been surpassed by the most bitter teetotaler that ever breathed.

This horrible habit they gave up shortly after my appointment to the circuit, but several of them raged against me with tremendous fury, and would have done anything to destroy my influence. At first they were kept in check to some extent by the wisdom and goodness of my superintendent, who, though he did not become a teetotaler himself, showed great respect for those who did.

"I've been in the course of the last week to most of the public-houses in Southminster and Westhope and Warpington to see what sort of stuff they sold, and upon my soul, gentlemen, if I settled in Warpington I'd, I'd" Dick hesitated for a simile strong enough "I'd turn teetotaler until I left it again, rather than swallow the snake poison they serve out to you."

He was not a teetotaler as the others were, but he would have scorned to drink his whisky and water at the expense of a "gentleman" like Wharton, or to smoke the "gentleman's" cigarettes. His class-pride was irritably strong. Molloy, who was by nature anybody's equal, took the cigarette with an easy good manners, which made Casey look at him askance. Mr. Bennett drew his chair close to Wharton's.

"Oh, but it was grand, Patsy!" he exclaimed, "and the Colonel wept on my neck when we parted and stained the collar of me best coat, and he give me a bottle of whiskey that would make a teetotaler roll his eyes in ecstacy. 'Twas the time of my life." "And you're a dozen years younger, Major!" she cried, laughing, "and fit to dig into work like a pig in clover." His face grew grave.

'I want to ask you, said the camper-out, 'if you're a teetotaler? 'No, said the station-keeper, 'not in particular. 'Any whisky about here just now? 'A gallon, said the station-keeper; 'new in yesterday. Like a tot? 'No. The word was snapped out savagely, and the station-keeper said 'Oh! like an astonished echo.