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Muerto D. Pedro en 1794, la viuda regresó a Madrid con tres hijos, siendo nacidos en España D. Francisco, en quien debía recaer el mayorazgo, y D. Pedro Ángel, después matemático notable y a quien como literato elogia D. Eugenio de Ochoa en el Tesoro del Teatro Español.

The Teatro Binondo, where I saw this, is a very comfortable place, with good accommodations, splendid box for the Governor, fine airy saloons, and extensive verandahs. The price for admission was moderate sixty-two and a half cents in United States currency.

On December 26, 1815, the first day of the carnival season, Rossini produced his opera, "Torvaldo e Dorliska," at the Teatro Argentina, in Rome, and at the same time signed a contract with Cesarini, the impresario of the theatre, to have the first act of a second opera ready on the twentieth day of the following January.

Nothing can be sadder than when, at carnival time in Rome, the impressarii have been unfortunate in their composers when the primo tenore of the Argentina has left his voice on the road when the primo uomo da donna in the Teatro Valle is down with the influenza in short, when the chief pleasures to which the Romans have been looking forward have proved disappointments, and Giovedi Grasso has been shorn, at one fell swoop, of all the hoped-for flowers which were expected to come at that time into blossom.

The world to which you belong sometimes seem disposed to forget that beneath and behind the paint and powder, false hair and fine tragic airs and costumes they pay to strangle time for them at San Carlo, or Teatro de' Fiorentini there breathes a genuine human thing; a creature with a true, pure, womanly heart beating under the velvet, gauze, and tinsel, and with blood that now and then boils under unprovoked and dastardly insult.

When I first met her, I asked: 'What shall I give you? She answered: 'A box at the Teatro Real. Why, that's a bagatelle! Only a little more than thirteen hundred pesetas for fourteen plays. And here we are. I tell you the little lady doesn't ask much." Darlés answered nothing.

Would you be wise to draw a dictionary on that gracious word? would you be properly grateful? After a couple of days' rest I now come back to my subject and seek a case in point. I find it without trouble, in the morning paper; a cablegram from Chicago and Indiana by way of Paris. All the words save one are guessable by a person ignorant of Italian: Revolverate in teatro Il guardiano ripose.

A vast multitude followed her home, with an enthusiasm which amounted almost to a frenzy, and the grateful manager named his theatre the Teatro Garcia. On Ash-Wednesday, March 13, 1835, Mme. Malibran bade the Neapolitans adieu an eternal adieu. Radiant with glory, and crowned with flowers, she was conducted by the Neapolitans to the faubourgs amid the éclat of vivats and acclamations.

One goes to bed early at Cosenza; the night air is dangerous, and Teatro Garibaldi still incomplete darkness brings with it no sort of pastime. I did manage to read a little in my miserable room by an antique lamp, but the effort was dispiriting; better to lie in the dark and think of Goth and Roman.

All the people were respectably dressed and perfectly well behaved; and soldiers and priests were scattered abundantly among the throng. On my way home, I saw the Teatro Goldoni, which is in our own street, lighted up for a representation this Sunday evening. It shocked my New England prejudices a little.