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Rooth, who was evidently very proud of the figure her daughter had made her daughter who for all one could tell affected their hostess precisely as a grosse bête appealed to Madame Carré rashly and serenely for a verdict; but fortunately this lady's voluble bonne came rattling in at the same moment with the tea-tray.

Gyp sat with it on her knee, vaguely taking in her surroundings a thin old gentleman anxiously weighing himself in a corner, a white-calved footman crossing with a tea-tray; a number of hats on pegs; the green-baize board with its white rows of tapelike paper, and three members standing before it.

In the big living-room of the home, when the hours come in which the family gathers, on a rainy morning, or on any afternoon when the shadows grow grim outside and the afternoon tea-tray is brought in whispering its discreet tune of friendly communion, the tapestries on the walls seem to gather closer, to enfold in loving embrace the sheltered group, to promise protection and to augment brotherly love.

Howland came up with one of the nicest little suppers on a small tea-tray, how was she shocked to find the window covered with her best blankets, which were safely packed away in the closet adjoining. "Rose was afraid somebody would look in and see her," said Jenny, as she read her grandmother's astonishment in her face. "Look in and see her!" repeated Mrs. Howland.

Still, women without imagination and the majority of women were without imagination did do the most astounding things. There was no immediate answer to the bell; but in a few minutes the Italian entered with a tea-tray. Christine sat up. "I will pour the tea," said she, and to the Italian: "Marthe, where is the evening paper?"

You enter a miserable looking hut, when you are amazed by the hostess unlocking an old box, and taking out a choice tea service, cups, saucers, tea-pot, and tea-tray, often of white china with gilt edges. These, after use, are always kept locked up, as objects of most precious value.

If he feed not the flock of God, then is he an hireling and no shepherd." At this moment, Rachel entered with a small tea-tray: she could carry only little things, and a few at a time.

Phoebe Marks went to the window, and looked out at the black figure of the lad hurrying through the dusky winter evening. "If there's any bad meaning in his coming here," she thought, "my lady will know of it in time, at any rate," Phoebe herself brought the neatly arranged tea-tray, and the little covered dish of ham and eggs which had been prepared for this unlooked-for visitor.

He finished his second cup of tea, pushed away his plate, fed his dogs, and lighted his pipe, while Phoebe carried off the tea-tray. The wind came whistling up across the frosty open country, and through the leafless woods, and rattled fiercely at the window-frames.

They will not let you play with fire Or trip your sister up with wire, They grudge the tea-tray for a drum, Or booby-traps when callers come. They don't like fishing, and it's true You sometimes soak a suit or two: They look on fireworks, though they're dry, With quite a disapproving eye.