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"There's never no peace when you kids are in the house!" grumbled the woman, tossing aside her work, and disappearing in the next room. "What yer done with it?" whined Gregory, as she came back with empty hands. "I've put it where you won't find it in a hurry," she answered tartly. "Now hustle outdoors, the whole of you, and don't show your heads in here again till supper time!"

He spoke of it gently to her as they walked home together, counselling more prudence in the future. "We are not married yet," she told him, tartly. "Wait until then before you criticize my conduct." "I trust that there will be no occasion then," said he. "You trust? Ah, yes. You are very trusting." "Climene, I have offended you. I am sorry." "It is nothing," said she. "You are what you are."

"Yes," she answered briefly. "Since you are here and since dad had you stay all night. If you were the devil himself, I'd give you something to eat." "Being merely the devil's grandson," grinned Packard, "suppose I tuck in and help? I'll set the table while you do the cooking." "I don't bother setting any table," said Terry as tartly as she knew how.

"That is to be seen," said Mr. Mann firmly. "Remember, we are working for the benefit of the Red Cross." "Hear! Hear!" murmured Laura. "Perhaps Hester will do very well." "And perhaps she won't!" snapped Bobby. "Why, she can't possibly act!" Jess Morse said hopelessly. "You will let me be the judge of that, Miss Morse, if you please," said Mr. Mann, speaking rather tartly.

You'll have enough to do caring for your own head, without looking after other people's." "I'm not one of that kind," answered Pinky, a little tartly; "and if there's any way to keep Flanagan from murdering another child, I'm going to find it out." "You'll find out something else first," said Norah, with a slight curl of her lip. "What?" "The way to prison." "Pshaw! I'm not afraid."

If I talked it over with her, you may be sure I spoke in the most charitable spirit, and without sharing in other people's disposition to put an evil interpretation on what may, be nothing more than unfortunate appearances and " "My God!" said George. "I can't stand this!" "You have the option of dropping the subject," Mrs. Johnson suggested tartly, and she added: "Or of leaving the house."

On Cyril's pale brow stood beads of agitation and perspiration, and on the scarlet brow of Robert was a large black smear. 'What ails ye both? asked the Phoenix, and it added tartly that story-telling was quite impossible if people would come interrupting like that. 'Oh, do shut up, for any sake! said Cyril, sinking into a chair. Robert smoothed the ruffled golden feathers, adding kindly

If such a niece attacked me, I should surrender at the first demand." "I don't think you would" a little tartly. "I think you have as keen a regard for your own interest as most men." "I am sure you would despise me if I had not, and the idea of being despised by you is intolerable." "You know I do not" very softly. "But it is time I turned and went toward home." "Nonsense, my dear Mrs.

"But let us hear your own adventure," I said tartly. At this challenge he looked uneasily round him. I had poked up a very unpleasant recollection. "You shall hear it, Dick; I'll tell it to you," he said. "Begad, sir, I should feel quite queer, though, telling it here, though we are too strong a body for ghosts to meddle with just now."

Tom, the Major and I are boyhood friends, and for the sake of that friendship he has consented to this meeting." "I fear that your kind efforts will be useless, Colonel," Major Colfax put in, rather tartly. "Mr. McChesney not only ignores my rights, but was near to hanging my agent." "What?" says Colonel Clark. I glanced at Tom.