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The king of the Arverni was caught and sent to Rome, and the Allobroges became Roman subjects. In the same year it was resolved, in spite of the opposition of the Senate, to colonise Narbo, which was the key to the valley of the Garonne, and was on the route to the province of Tarraconensis.

Kaltwasser takes the second house to be the same as the first house; and he refers to the Life of Pompeius, c. 51, 52, where the same story is told. The Romans had now two provinces in the Spanish peninsula, Hispania Citerior or Tarraconensis, and Ulterior or Bætica.

Spain, the western extremity of the empire, of Europe, and of the ancient world, has, in every age, invariably preserved the same natural limits; the Pyrenæan Mountains, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic Ocean. That great peninsula, at present so unequally divided between two sovereigns, was distributed by Augustus into three provinces, Lusitania, Bætica, and Tarraconensis.

Illurgavonenses, a people of Hispania Tarraconensis, near the Iberus; they submit to Caesar, and supply him with corn, C. i. 60 Illurgis, a town of Hispania Baetica, Illera Isauria, a province anciently of Asia Minor, now a part of Caramania, and subject to the Turks Ister, that part of the Danube which passed by Illyricum Itius Portus, Caesar embarks there for Britain, G. v. 5

Castra Posthumiana, a town in Hispania Baetica, Castro el Rio Castra Vetera, an ancient city in Lower Germany, in the duchy of Cleves; some say where Santon, others where Byrthon now is Castulonensis Saltus, a city of Hispania Tarraconensis, Castona la Vieja Cativulcus takes up arms against the Romans at the instigation of Indutiomarus, G. v. 24; poisons himself, vi. 31

The Tarraconensis was the north-eastern part of the Spanish peninsula. There were two places of the name, it is said, and one is placed near the mouth of the Douro. Mannert observes that this school must have greatly contributed to fix the Latin language in Spain.

Caesia Sylva, the Caesian Forest, supposed to be a part of the Hercynian Forest, about the duchy of Cleves and Westphalia Calagurritani, a people of Hispania Tarraconensis, inhabiting the province of Calahorra; send ambassadors to Caesar with an offer of submission, C. i. 60 Campi Catalaunici, supposed to be the large plain which begins about two miles from Chalons sur Marne

The second Punic War added to the empire Sardinia, Corsica, and the two Spanish provinces of Baetica and Tarraconensis about two thirds of the peninsula fertile in the productions of the earth, and enriched by mines of silver and gold, and peopled by Iberians and Celts. The rich province of Illyricum was added to the empire about one hundred and eighty years before Christ.

He never went abroad so much as to take the air, without a carriage attending him, in which there was a million of sesterces in gold, ready at hand; until at last, at the time he was living in the town of Fundi, the province of Hispania Tarraconensis was offered him.

It embraced the whole peninsula, from the Pillars of Hercules to the Pyrenees; and the warlike nations who composed it became completely Latinized. It was divided into three provinces Boetica, Lusitania, and Tarraconensis all governed by praetors, the last of whom had consular power, and resided in Carthago Nova, on the Mediterranean.