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A work dedicated apparently to this object, which I have been unable to find in the body, is mentioned under a very tantalising title. This is nearly as tantalising as the wooden-legged Britisher's explanation to the inquisitive Yankee, who solemnly engaged to ask not another question were he told how that leg was lost, and was accordingly told that "it was bitten off."

"I think I hate him, but if I could believe he was really sincere and in earnest I think I should love him. If I had been tempting, teasing, and tantalising him to-day, as I did when we were at Auchinleven, I could excuse him for losing his head and kissing me. To-day I didn't give him the slightest encouragement.

And your lady-love lives there, too, I see." "My lady-love?" demanded Gates, taken back. "Yes, the girl who is so well dressed from her shoulders up," with a tantalising smile. "You mean this?" he asked, turning a fiery red as he tried to slip the picture of Dolly under a book. "Let me see it, please. Who is she?" He was ashamed, but he held out the picture.

"You are the most tantalising, puzzling and exasperating girl I have ever met, as well as the loveliest and the most adorable." "Really!" laughed Myra. "I wonder you consort with such an annoying person!" "Consort? Consort? I like that word, Myra," he responded. "I intend to be your consort for the rest of my life, and you shall be my queen and the empress of my heart."

And jumping up, she pirouetted, whirling, around the room, waving her arms like a graceful butterfly skimming over flowers. Faster and faster she went, seeming scarcely to touch the tips of her toes to the floor, and smiling at Kenneth like a tantalising fairy. Harper gazed at her, fascinated, and then as she hovered near him, jumped up, and caught her in his arms.

The Duke's servants, who had obeyed his impatient summons, were hastily directed to search for this tantalising siren in every direction. Their master, in the meantime, eager and vehement in every new pursuit, but especially when his vanity was piqued, encouraged their diligence by bribes, and threats, and commands. All was in vain.

In such tantalising weather the "ground-swell" of the ocean usually carries past a becalmed vessel more waste energy than is ever utilised by its sails in the briskest and most propitious breeze.

Morny stopped again, and Rodd gazed at him impatiently. "Here, I say," he cried, "what a tantalising sort of chap you are! Why, I could tell a story better than you." "Why, I have told you the story," said Morny. "No, you haven't. You keep stopping short when you come to what interests me most." "Nonsense!

"I daresay!" said Molly, sarcastically, and then sat down and, pen in hand, began to re-read her night's entry, now and then casting a tantalising glance over her shoulder at her sister. The lines, in the flowing convent hand, ran thus: "Aunt O'Donoghue left us this morning, and so here we are, planted in Pulwick; and she has achieved her plan, fully.

It is very tantalising that our beautiful satellite only permits us to look at and admire one half of her sphere; but it is not a very far-fetched inference if we feel satisfied that the other half bears a general resemblance to that which is presented to the earth.