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"Mighty ruler of providence!" exclaimed Heyward, clasping his hands together in agony, "can this be suffered! To you, just Tamenund, I appeal for mercy." "The words of the Delaware are said," returned the sage, closing his eyes, and dropping back into his seat, alike wearied with his mental and his bodily exertion. "Men speak not twice."

At length the sage, in whom alone the decision depended, said, in a firm voice, "Huron, depart." "As he came, just Tamenund," demanded the wily Magua; "or with hands filled with the faith of the Delawares? The wigwam of Le Renard Subtil is empty. Make him strong with his own." The aged man mused with himself for a time; and then bending his head towards one of his venerable companions, he asked,

"Is Tamenund a boy?" at length the bewildered prophet exclaimed. "Have I dreamed of so many snows that my people were scattered like floating sands of Yengeese, more plenty than the leaves on the trees!

"Captives against our wills, have we been brought among you; and we ask but permission to depart to our own in peace. Art thou not Tamenund the father, the judge, I had almost said, the prophet of this people?" "I am Tamenund of many days." "'Tis now some seven years that one of thy people was at the mercy of a white chief on the borders of this province.

"Is Tamenund a boy?" at length the bewildered prophet exclaimed. "Have I dreamt of so many snows that my people were scattered like floating sands of Yengeese, more plenty than the leaves on the trees!

What fire that a Delaware can light would burn the child of my fathers," he added, pointing proudly to the simple blazonry on his skin; "the blood that came from such a stock would smother your flames! My race is the grandfather of nations!" "Who art thou?" demanded Tamenund, rising at the startling tones he heard, more than at any meaning conveyed by the language of the prisoner.

Let Tamenund speak the words." "Take you the wampum, and our love." "Nothing hence but what Magua brought hither." "Then depart with thine own. The Great Manitou forbids that a Delaware should be unjust."

Observing Tamenund to look about him doubtingly, one of his companions said, "It is a snake a redskin in the pay of the Yengeese. We keep him for the torture." "Let him come," returned the sage.

He claimed to be of the blood of the good and just Tamenund. 'Go', said the white man, 'for thy parent's sake thou art free. Dost thou remember the name of that English warrior?"

Uncas himself watched the effect of his brief explanation with intelligent eyes, and gradually dropped the air of authority he had assumed, as he perceived that his auditors were content. Then, permitting his looks to wander over the silent throng that crowded around the elevated seat of Tamenund, he first perceived Hawkeye in his bonds.