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The letter from Theodore was then read to them. It was addressed to the chief of the escort, and ran thus: "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, to Bitwaddad Tadla. By the power of God, we, Theodore, the king of kings, are well. We are angry with our friends, and with the Europeans, who say, 'We are going to our country, and we are not yet reconciled.

At dawn on the 12th we continued our descent, crossed the Bechelo, and ascended to the opposite plateau of Watat, where we arrived at eleven A.M. There we made a slight halt and partook of a frugal breakfast, sent by the chief of Magdala to Bitwaddad Tadla, who kindly shared it with us.

Several of the officers of the Imperial household, to whom we had shown some kindness, came to bid us good-by, all looking very sad one with tears in his eyes. Though no one informed us of our destination, we all surmised that Magdala and chains were our lot. Bitwaddad Tadla, with the men under his command, now took charge of us.

The annual tribute was paid; Theodore gave handsome presents to the chiefs, honoured many with silk shirts, and swore that as soon as the cannons his Europeans were casting should be completed, he would start for Godjam, and with his new mortars destroy the nest of the arch-rebel Tadla Gwalu. He invited, all the chiefs to reside in his camp during his stay, to rejoice his heart.

At last, one by one, counted like sheep, we passed the doors, and were taken to a large open space in front of the King's house. As soon as they had greeted Bitwaddad Tadla they retired a few yards, and consulted with him and Samuel. After a few minutes, Samuel told us to come on; and, accompanied by the chiefs, escorted by their followers, we were taken to a house near the Imperial fence.

The distance from Watat to Magdala is generally accomplished in five hours, but we were nearly seven, as we had to make frequent halts, and messengers came to and fro from the Amba. Many of the chiefs of the mountain came out to meet Bitwaddad Tadla. At Islamgee another long halt was made, I suppose while our lettre de cachet was examined by the chiefs in council.

A few petty rebels had risen here and there, but with the exception of Tadla Gwalu, who could not be driven from the fastness of his amba in the south of Godjam, all the others were but of little importance, and did not disturb the tranquillity of his reign. But though a conqueror, and endowed with military genius, Theodore was a bad administrator.

But because the span allotted him by destiny was fulfilled, and also because he was worn out and would not rest, my Lord Hasan died near Tadla; and Ba Ahmad, his chief wazeer, hid his death from the soldiers until his son Abd-el-Aziz was proclaimed." There was a pause here, as though my host were overwhelmed with reflections and was hard driven to give sequence to his narrative.