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"It's a durn shame," said Adolph Kunkel as he surreptitiously removed an olive, "that the plums is spiled, for this is the best supper I ever flopped my lip over." Symes suppressed a groan.

They know, too, that instead of the $250,000 of your estimate to complete the ditch it will require nearly half a million, and they're on to the fact that in order to get this estimate you cut your own engineer's figures in two, and then some, upon the cost of making cuts and handling loose rock. Rough work, Symes, raw even for a green hand. You've left a trail of blood a yard wide behind you.

He greeted Grace with equal enthusiasm, and bobbed like a nodding mandarin before Mrs. Gray. "I hope you have been well, Mr. Symes. How is your wife and how do you like being caretaker of Harlowe House?" asked Grace. "I'm well, miss, and so's my wife. It's a fine place, miss, that Harlowe House, an' it'll be finer still when fall comes and it's full of Overton students.

"I can't go 'em onless they're plumb fresh," she replied non-committally. "I've had such a pleasant call." Mrs. Symes rose. "Run in agin." Mrs. Jackson's eyes were glued upon the leather card-case from which Mrs. Symes was endeavoring to extract a card with fingers which she was unable to bend. "Thanks.

And Mudge, noting the warmth of his grasp, the heartiness of his big voice, the steady frankness of the look which the westerner sent into Prescott's eyes, felt that Symes was the man to do the trick and congratulated himself upon his wisdom in sending for him. "I I've been looking through your prospectus, Mr.

Why," declared Mr. Symes, striking at the air with a gesture of conviction, "the whole country is land hungry." "It's a liberal return upon the investment," murmured Prescott. "It's a big thing! And think of the Russian Jews." "Pardon me?" "Colonization, you know, hundreds of Russian Jews out there raising sugar-beets for the sugar-beet factory, happy as larks." "To be sure I had forgotten." Mr.

Symes had been quick to recognize this man's leadership and importance; simultaneously his sanguine temperament had commenced to build upon the banker's support perhaps even to the extent of financing the rest of the project. The banker followed the morbid crowd up the steep stairs to the Hall and seated himself on one of the squeaking folding chairs beside Mrs. Abe Tutts and Mrs.

"I shall have to do what, my dear Fanny?" "You will just have to say, please, on the blackboard that Betty Vivian is no longer a member of the Specialities." Miss Symes stopped writing. She was busily engaged notifying the hour of a very important German lesson to be given by a professor who came from town. "What do you mean, Fanny?" "What I say.

And even with her own boastful words there came a pang which had its source in a knowledge her dance with Symes had brought her. Something was dead within her! That something was the spirit of youth, and with it had gone the best of Emma Harpe. Crowheart was surprised but not shocked when the engagement of Andy P. Symes to the blacksmith's sister was announced. It saw no mésalliance in the union.

Four of them had been sounded by the rest of the house; one of them, named Stone, had come from a large private school, and was prepared for whatever he might find in more senses than one. Another, Symes, was a boy ill-trained at home, of no particular principles, and quite ready to flow with the stream.