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Yes, strange as it may seem, the four nineteenth-century travellers found themselves face to face with some at least of the hardy crew who had stood on the deck waving their last good-bye to wives, children, or sweethearts who shall say how many years ago? when that stout galley swept out of harbour with pennons flying, oars flashing, and arms glancing, maybe, in the brilliant sunshine, as she started on the enterprise of wild adventure from which she was never to return.

It was easy enough for the officers to hurry back to their letters from wives and children or sweethearts, but for hours the men kept up their hurrah; Ray had been their hero for years, and the affair of the July fight of Wayne's command had simply intensified the feeling. Naturally, the letters bearing the postmarks of latest dates were those first opened.

"An angel is the most beautiful woman a poet can describe or imagine." "Then there are no men angels?" "Only Gabriel; at least I never heard of any other." "Then I do not want to be an angel. I had rather be what I am. Besides, angels do not have tempers; they do not long for things they should not have; they have no sweethearts." She caught him roughly by the arms.

She was about to tell him of her previous betrothal, of that Jewish fiancé who was in America and might return. But after a brief pause of indecision she returned to her former attitude, without breaking the silence. Luis was grateful to her for this. She desired to conceal her past, as do all women in the first moment of love. "Agreed. We'll be sweethearts. Let's see, consul.

They purchase their wives openly, and not constructively by attorney. By offering small sums for their sweethearts, they degrade the value of the sex. Nevertheless, N N. felt he was saved. He explained all to the faithful Mongolian, and exhibited the letter he had written. He implored him to deliver it. The Mongolian assented. The race are not cleanly or sweet-savored, but N N. fell upon his neck.

"How happy those sweethearts are!" frequently remarked old Michaud. "They hardly say a word, but that does not prevent them thinking. I bet they devour one another with kisses when we have gone." Such was the opinion of the company. Therese and Laurent came to be spoken of as a model couple.

The day following this first attack of nightmare, Therese secretly set to work to bring about her marriage with Laurent. It was a difficult task, full of peril. The sweethearts trembled lest they should commit an imprudence, arouse suspicions, and too abruptly reveal the interest they had in the death of Camille.

Peck was recently extended an invitation to be present at a meeting of the Iowa Commercial Travelers' Association, at Des Moines, and respond to the toast: "Our Wives and Sweethearts, and Little Ones at Home." He couldn't be present, but he responded all the same, in the following manner: "That is the sweetest toast that man was ever called upon to respond to.

He had seen Indian squaws in plenty, stolid and fat, he had known a few of the wives of the Bradleyburg men, women pretty enough, good housekeepers, neatly clad and perhaps a little saddened and crushed by the very remorselessness of this land in which they lived. But there had been no girls in Bradleyburg to grow up with, no schoolday sweethearts.

And there have been times when this tall brown-haired young person has seized his hand, as if she too had moments of rebellion, and the two have run away away from the swains and the would-be sweethearts, the Latin grammar and the scoldings, to wander about the river banks and the lanes. So this afternoon Will tramped off to Shottery.