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It was his purpose to keep these men stirring. "How?" he inquired. "Why, the heat. Say, git a peek at that sky. Look yonder. The sun. Get them durned banks o' cloud swallerin' it right up atop o' them hills. Makes you think, don't it? That's storm. It's comin' big an' before many hours." "For which we'll all be a heap thankful." Beasley laughed.

The survey outfit took him along for helper and he et up all the grub, so the Injin guide quit 'em cold and they couldn't go on. I allus hoped he'd starve to death somm'eres, but after a spell of sickness from swallerin' a ham-bone, he died tryin' to eat six dozen aigs on a bet."

O Heaven! what if I had failed to hear it!" "I should have been swept away," said Noll. Here Hagar recovered her wits sufficiently to give a little howl of lamentation. "Out ob de sea! out ob de sea!" she cried; "de Lord be t'anked fur it! Dat yer sea am a drefful t'ing, honey, allers swallerin', swallerin', an' nebber ken get 'nough fur itself, nohow.

She held it in her hand and looked into my eyes with her lips tight set. "Are the mosquitoes as bad as that?" sez I. "I carry this all the time, to defend myself an' child," sez she, rufflin' up like a hen when you pick up her chicken, an' she was so earnest about it that I nearly choked, swallerin' a grin; 'cause honest, I could 'a' snuffed the thing up my nose.

"I talked a good deal, bein' so mad at the Nation for makin' such dretful hard work partakin' of a gnat, and then swallerin' down Barnum's hull circus, side-shows and all. "Why didn't the Nation shet up the saloons?" sez she, in bitter axents.

In a minute, though, back she come and just put her head in the door. "'I'm much obliged to you, Mr. Wingate, says she. 'I know you mean well. But you ain't had your fate foretold, same's I have. It's all been arranged for me, and I couldn't stop it no more'n Jonah could help swallerin' the whale.

"How about scholarship? 'I'd give him none, says the man. 'Swallerin' comes by nature, and through more than the mouth. I'd open him his eyes and ears, his fingers and toes, and the very hairs on the backs of his hands; and they'll all swaller in time, like the parts of the beastes do. Now, that's a learned man, I allow.

"'When the water ain't quite enough to turn the wheel, and only spatters, spatters, spatters, says Coldslaugh. "Sourcrout gig goggles again, as if he was swallerin' shelled corn whole. 'That trick of wettin' the hay, says he, 'to make it weigh heavy, warn't cleverly done; it ain't pretty to be caught; it's only bunglers do that.

"But Anne seems a nice child, too," said Miss Martha, consolingly. "Well, that's just what she is," replied Madam Delia, with some contempt. "But what is she for a contortionist? Ask Comstock what she's got in her! And how to run the show without Gerty, that's what beats me. Why, folks begin to complain already that we advertise swallerin', and yet don't swaller.

Danvers, matrimony ain't always sich honey in the comb as Warren is swallerin'. Virgil's wife looks nice, but Spanish flies! how he enjoys her going away from home. Well, that's that. I went down on the Enterprise. You've rid in a steamboat, I dare say, going to see your pa, in Orleens? How's he? I forgot to ask. They say the old man's got to be stylisher than ever.