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Cicero informs us, that he also attended his lectures; and according to Suidas Marcellus, brought him to Rome in the year of the city 702; in this, however, Suidas is not supported by other and contemporary writers. We are indebted to Cleomedes for most of what we know of his opinions and discoveries; with such as relate to morals or to pure astronomy, we have no concern.

De Finib., and Seneca, lib. 2, De Clementia, make mention, is ascribed to the Emperor Tiberius by Dion Nicaeus and Suidas. Pantagruel's discourse of the decease of heroic souls; and of the dreadful prodigies that happened before the death of the late Lord de Langey.

Lysand. Aeschyl. Persae. Ibid. Herod., l. 6., c. xii. Plut. in Vit. Aristid. Roos hespera. Aristoph., Vesp 1080. Justin, lib. ii., c. ix. According, however, to Suidas, he escaped and died at Lemnos. This incident confirms the expressed fear of Miltiades, that delay in giving battle might produce division and treachery among some of the Athenians.

The manner in which Suidas accounts for the total silence of alchymy among the old writers is, that Dioclesian procured all the books of the ancient Egyptians to be burnt; and that it was in these the great mysteries of chemistry were contained.

Suidas says very aptly of Anastasius that he turned the Empire into an aristocracy by selling magisterial offices." Voltaire replies: "Is it as a matter of civic virtue that in England a judge of the King's Bench accepts his appointment?" Human nature comes in everywhere. None of us is without weaknesses." Montesquieu thinks aristocratic bodies are good things.

Thus, Suidas will have the fable of the philosopher's stone to be alluded to in the fable of the Argonauts; and others find it in the book of Moses, as well as in other remote places. But, if the era of the art be examined by the test of history, it will lose much of its fancied antiquity.

In the handwriting there are some marked characteristics which make it easy to recognize; and in course of time other Greek manuscripts were discovered written by the same hand, two Psalters in Cambridge libraries, a Plato and Aristotle in the cathedral library at Durham, a Psalter and part of the lexicon of Suidas in Corpus at Oxford. But no clue was forthcoming as to their origin, until Dr.