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"If you wish," said Chester dryly, "we'll each write you a little note exonerating you of all blame should either of us be hurt." Uncle John was forced to smile. "Oh, never mind," he said. "Well, boys, if you have decided upon your plan, I guess I shall have to agree to it." "I believe it will succeed," said Chester.

Nothing could be clearer than that Motoza had not hesitated to leave his prisoner alone in the cavern for the reason that he was certain he could not effect his escape therefrom. The last means the youth would think of employing was that of climbing the side; therefore, as Fred reasoned, that was the very means to adopt, and the only one that could possibly succeed.

Tom Swift heard, and labored desperately to raise the ladder to enable Ned to get down, for his chum seemed to be afraid to drop. Raising a ladder alone is rather an awkward job. Tom found this so when he tried to aid his friend Ned. But, being a muscular lad, the young inventor did finally succeed in getting the ladder up against the fence where the bank clerk could reach it. Whack!

But he had confidence in his ability to extract the truth, and Thalassa, moreover, was at the disadvantage of having something to hide. It would be strange if he did not succeed in getting the facts out of him. The St. Fair wagonette was pulled up outside the station. Mr. Crows, master of his destiny and time-tables, reclined in front, regarding with a glazed eye his drooping horse.

But I have good brains, and few men are able to work as hard as I. By and bye, I shall succeed and make money, and it will be less dull for you." "It is never dull for me when I can be with you," she answered. As he looked, the sunshine caught her red auburn hair, and the love-lights played with the sunshine in her eyes.

Hongkong is a nest of smugglers. "Pekin would, or rather could, never succeed in cutting off foreign intercourse. Also I do not think China would wish to stop its importation altogether. All they ask is an increased duty on it." There was a moment of hesitation in Gordon's mind as to whether he would come home or not.

Yet Cadijah believed the words, and cherished the glory, of her husband; the obsequious and affectionate Zeid was tempted by the prospect of freedom; the illustrious Ali, the son of Abu Taleb, embraced the sentiments of his cousin with the spirit of a youthful hero; and the wealth, the moderation, the veracity of Abubeker confirmed the religion of the prophet whom he was destined to succeed.

There had been, when Sir Marcus married, three other heirs besides Lawrence, before Margaret Brindister could succeed to the property: the same fever within a few days carried off two of them; and then, and perhaps not till then, a longing desire seized Sir Marcus to obtain the estates. The possessor was an old man a bachelor.

I hope Genast will find it worth his while to explain this most specially to them, and that he will succeed in making them do justice to my demand. In that case he may boast of having been the chief participant in a revolution which will lift our theatrical routine out of its grooves. The representative of Lohengrin alone appears, according to all accounts, really incapable.

Fenwick picked out the residence of his friend, and Tom prepared to circle about the roof. By this time the presence of the airship had become known to hundreds, and crowds were eagerly watching it. "There he is! There's my friend who didn't believe I would ever succeed!" exclaimed Mr. Fenwick, pointing to a man who stood in the street in front of a large, white house. "I'll drop him a message!"