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This, however, turned out to be a subpoena for Bonaparte as a witness at a trial in the Court of King's Bench; and, indeed, a person attempted to get on board the Bellerophon to serve the document; but he was foiled in his intention; though, had he succeeded, the subpoena would, in the situation wherein the ex-Emperor then stood, have been without avail.

In the meantime a subpoena was served upon Carry Brattle to appear on that final Tuesday, Tuesday the nineteenth of June. The policeman, when he served her with the paper, told her that on the morning in question he would come and fetch her. The poor girl said not a word as she took into her hand the dreadful document. Mrs.

In the noon hour a man came to me in the school yard with a subpoena for the examination of Amos Grimshaw and explained its meaning. He also said that Bishop Perkins, the district attorney, would call to see me that evening. While I was talking with this man Sally passed me walking with another girl and said: "Hello, Bart!"

Sutherland said, addressing the court, "Before proceeding farther, your honor, I will give orders for the subpoena, as a witness in this case, of one Richard Hobson, alias Dick Carroll." Then turning towards the crowd in the rear of the courtroom, he added, "Let the papers be served at once."

A subpoena was made out immediately and given to a policeman, with a few whispered and emphatic injunctions, and Roger was told to accompany him. "This case is adjourned for the present. You may sit with your mother within the railing," he added kindly to Mildred.

He and Violet sat there for three days and nights. Then it occurred to a detective to open the door and serve the subpoena. He sent for a kinetoscope and did so. Two souls with such congenial tastes could not long remain apart. As a policeman drove them away with his night stick that evening they plighted their troth.

"I don't want to know what's in it," Nancy insisted. "As long as I'm not in possession of any definite facts, I can ignore it. I've got the kind of mind that must deal with concrete facts concretely." Billy grinned. "I'd hate the job of trying to subpoena you," he said, "but you'd make a corking good witness, on the stand.

Your coroner can arrest your sheriff. He can investigate a murder he can issue a warrant and serve it anywhere in the State. He can subpoena witnesses. Did you know that?" Tharon shook her head. "Nor you?" he asked Conford. "I knew somethin' like that but what's th' use? Banner's a brave man, but he's got a family. An' he's been only one against th' whole push.

News of the forthcoming exposé spread mysteriously in "The Bottoms" before the paper was off the press. To avoid the coming storm, already negro malefactors and white, were "streaming" as Travers phrased it, "in dark clouds" out of town, for brief sojourns, beyond reach of the compelling subpoena, in Kansas City, Missouri.

It was not a subpoena; it was not a dun; it was a round-robin of farewells from a select circle of admirers, wishing us joy, Godspeed, success in art and literature, and a safe return at last. The wind blew fair; we were at liberty for an indefinite period. In forty minutes we struck another shore and another clime.