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"You have every one missed and will have to con your task over again." At that each girl opened a book which she held in her hand, and for several minutes they all seemed to be studying diligently. "Ah, ha! ah ha! um h'm! mis-con," murmured Cousin Ronald, half-aloud; "vara weel done, lads and lasses. What's the next syllable? strue?

"You knew it was," cried the young man angrily, as the grasp being slackened he struggled up, to stand breathing hard. "'Strue as goodness, sir, I didn't!" said Sam, rising to his knees. "Oh, just wait till I get my wind again. I say, Mr Frank, you are strong strong as as a donkey." "I? Come, I like that!" panted Frank. "I'm a donkey, am I, sir?" "'Pon my word, Mr Frank, I beg your pardon.

'Strue as I live and breathe, Mas'r Bellmont," said he, "I done carried Miss 'Leny's invite with the rest, and guv 'em all to the young lady with the big nose!" Had Durward understood Mrs. Livingstone a little better, he might have believed him; but now it was but natural for him to suppose that Nero had accidentally dropped it. So he wrote another, taking it himself, and asking for "Miss Rivers."

Hugh asked, a little haughtily, while Sam fearlessly replied: "'Scuse me, massah, but I hears dem dis mornin' hears de city chap sparkin' Miss Ellis, and seen his arm spang round her, too, with her sweet face, white as wool, lyin' in his buzzum." "You saw this after I was gone?" Hugh asked, eagerly, and Sam replied: "Yes, massah, strue as preachin', and I'se sorry for massah.

'He follered me downstairs and took it all away from me. Your ticker as well. "'Wot? ses Ginger and Peter both together. "Strue as I'm 'ere, ses the lodger. 'You turn 'is pockets out and see. Look out! He's going off! "Ginger turned his 'ead just in time to see old Sam nipping round the corner.

'He follered me downstairs and took it all away from me. Your ticker as well. "'Wot? ses Ginger and Peter both together. "Strue as I'm 'ere, ses the lodger. 'You turn 'is pockets out and see. Look out! He's going off! "Ginger turned his 'ead just in time to see old Sam nipping round the corner.

"No, sir, I arn't; 'strue as goodness I arn't." "But you are," cried Aleck, angrily, as he now grasped the full misfortune to his boat not the very full, for he was not aware of the hole in her bottom. "Your fingers are clasped tightly round the rope." "Are they, sir?" "Yes." "'Tarn't my doing then, sir. I hoped and prayed as they might hold on to the last, and I s'pose that's how it is. Ah-h!"

"Ahoy!" answered the mate, who was leading, with Mark next; and the next minute they were face to face with the four men who had been left with the boat. "What is it, my lads?" he panted. "Pirates, sir, praus!" "Nonsense!" cried the mate fiercely. "'Strue as true, sir.