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22nd. This morning, hearing that the Queene grows worse again, I sent to stop the making of my velvet cloak, till I see whether she lives or dies. 23rd. The Queene slept pretty well last night, but her fever continues upon her still. It seems she hath never a Portuguese doctor here. 24th. Prujeon painted by Streater, and a print of "Opinion sitting on a tree," thus inscribed: "Viro clariss, Dno.

You shun neither the over-bred nor the under-bred. Personally I affect neither, because they don't amuse me. You embrace both." "Yes," Peter mildly agreed. "But I don't embrace Streater, you know. I draw the line at Streater. Everyone draws the line at Streater; he's of the baser sort, like his tie-pins. Wouldn't it be vexing to have people always drawing lines at you.

Not the least conspicuous feature in the new building was the paintings by Robert Streater, which had been especially executed for it.

Just as if I were to hire Streater, say, to buy really beautiful photographs of actresses for me!... Well, suppose he didn't like the things I bought for him? Suppose our tastes didn't agree? Should I have to try and suit his, or would he have to put up with mine?" "There's only one taste in the matter," Urquhart told him. "He hasn't got any.

Harrison having assured the council, that the general sought only to pave the way for the government of Jesus and his saints, Major Streater briskly replied, that Jesus ought then to come quickly: for if he delayed it till after Christmas, he would come too late; he would find his place occupied.

That future ages must confess they owe To Streater more than Michael Angelo, lines in which the grammar and the connoisseurship are about on an equality. There are thirty-two sections, and the whole painting measures 72 feet by 64.