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In fact, so potent is the influence of the actor upon the dramatist that the latter, in creating character, goes to work very differently from his literary fellow-artists, the novelist, the story-writer, or the poet.

Why in thunder should you try to fuss me all up because my offer isn't couched in all the foolish, romantic, lace-paper sort of flub-dubbery that you think such an offer ought to be couched in? Eh?" "Fuss you all up, sir?" protested the White Linen Nurse with real anxiety. "Yes fuss me all up!" snarled the Senior Surgeon with increasing venom. "I'm no story-writer!

Kennedy: "Your invitation to dinner has wounded me to the quick. I cannot come for reasons of the most humiliating nature my personal appearance. You may imagine my mortification in making this disclosure to you, but it is necessary." Mr. Kennedy did all that a friend could do for the future poet and story-writer.

The poet Leroy des Saules had the haughty attitude and the Apollo face corresponding to the noble and perfect beauty of his verses; but Edouard Durocher, the fashionable painter of the nineteenth century, was a large, common-looking man with a huge moustache, like that of a book agent; and Theophile de Sonis, the elegant story-writer, the worldly romancer, had a copper-colored nose, and his harsh beard was like that of a chief in a custom-house.

And, no doubt, the young story-writer went away sorrowful, in spite of the acceptance of his story which, after all, was only lacking in that quality which you will find lacking in all the writing of the day, save in that by one or two exceptional writers, who, by their isolation, the more forcibly point the moral.

I left my military guide at Verona on Saturday afternoon and reached Milan in time to dine outside Salvini's in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, with an Italian fellow story-writer. The place was as full as ever; we had to wait for a table.

He said he thought he could better give an undivided mind to each if he had them one at a time, and so we began with the first: "'1. Would you advise the young story-writer to study the old masters in literature or the stories in the current magazines, in order to meet the demands of the current editors?"

But though this disunited unity seemed to me a salient feature in cis-Zambesian Africa, it was the differences in that natural ring fence which attracted most of my attention as a story-writer even as a story-writer who so far has only written one tale about it.

But there is a genius who can open it. The author who can write fiction of the right sort can do it; his is the gift of seeing inner realities, and of showing them to those who cannot see them for themselves. Sharing the imaginative vision of the story-writer, we can truly follow out many other roads of life than our own.

I suppose I was what a story-writer might call 'frozen with terror. For those men were obviously all dead! "They lay on their backs, disposed orderly along three sides of the room, their feet to the walls against the other wall, farthest from the door, stood my bed and the chair.