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"That's it charge of Stonewall's field hospital just happened to ride into Waite's camp that night damn lucky for you I did young snip there wanted to saw the bone I stopped that liked your face imagined you might be worth saving ain't so sure of it now, or you wouldn't be out in this God forsaken country, eating such grub my name's Fairbain Joseph Wright Fairbain, M.D. contract surgeon for the railroad working on the line?"

Now, to be more specific. Of Stonewall's antecedents I know very little. I only know that, in a moderate way, he was wealthy, and that he had no immediate family ties. He was somewhere near thirty years of age, and held the diploma of one of our oldest universities.

And then Jack added fuel by mockingly, though with perfectly good-natured intention, taking Edmund by the hand and swinging him in front of us with: "Gentlemen, Archimedes junior." Stonewall's eyes flashed and his cheek darkened, but for a moment he said nothing.

The tremendous work Stonewall's men had performed, including the rapid march from the Valley of Virginia, the short rations, the bad water, and the great heat, had begun to tell upon us, and I was pretty well worn out. On this particular morning, my battery had not moved from its bivouac ground of the previous night, but was parked in an open field all ready, waiting orders.

"The next day I was up early looking through all the papers in the hope of finding something about the car. But there was not a word. I watched the news columns for several days without result. Whenever the coast was clear I haunted Stonewall's yard, but the fatal shed yawned empty, and there was not a soul about the house. I cannot describe my feelings.

Idaho bought a new 'gun, but he wore it 'in his clothes, and used it chiefly in the pastime of shooting out the lights or in picking off the heels from the boys' boots while a stag dance was in progress in Slavin's. But in Stonewall's presence Idaho was a most correct citizen. Stonewall he could understand and appreciate. He was six feet three, and had an eye of unpleasant penetration.

Appealing from his native sod In forma pauperis to God: "Lay bare Thine arm stretch forth Thy rod. Amen!" That's Stonewall's way. It is not always joy that cometh in the morning, least of all to generals as ignorant as Banks when they have to do with a skilful foe. It was not altogether Banks' fault that his position was a bad one.

It was hard for me, after the lie I had told, to let out the truth to such of their friends as I knew, but I had to do it. Then the police took the matter in hand and ransacked Stonewall's laboratory and the shanty without finding anything to throw light on the mystery. It was a newspaper sensation for a few days, but as nothing came of it everybody soon forgot all about it all except me.

Don't read much out on the plains." The younger aide had been gleeful throughout the recital. "Stonewall's a good name, by George! but, by George! they ought to call him the Artful Dodger " Maury Stafford burst into laughter. "By Heaven. Morris, you'd better tell him that! Have you ever seen him?" "No.

"Barbara Frietchie's work is o'er, And the Rebel rides on his raids no more. "Honor to her! and let a tear Fall, for her sake, on Stonewall's bier. "Over Barbara Frietchie's grave, Flag of Freedom and Union, wave! "Peace and order and beauty draw Round thy symbol of light and law; "And ever the stars above look down On thy stars below in Frederick town!"