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The English do not know how to rejoice; and, in their present circumstances, to say the truth, have not much to rejoice for. We soon came home; but I believe it was nearly, if not quite, eleven. At Mrs. Blodgett's, Mr. Mr. Archer came with the stomach-pump, and asked the patient how much prussic acid he had taken. "Sir," he replied, attorney-like, "I decline answering that question!"

"What do you mean to do, then?" I asked. "Well, my idea was that you and I could rush him. He may be dozin', and at the worst he can only wing one of us, and the other should have him. If we can get his bolster-cover round his arms and then 'phone up a stomach-pump, we'll give the old dear the supper of his life." It was a rather desperate business to come suddenly into one's day's work.

Post-Mortem Appearances. Softening of the stomach, hæmorrhagic spots on all organs and under the skin, fatty degeneration of liver, kidneys, and heart, blood-stained urine, phosphorescent contents of alimentary canal. Treatment. Early use of stomach-pump and emetics, followed by the administration of permanganate of potassium or peroxide of hydrogen to oxidize the phosphorus.

"If he were to die the evaporation would be arrested, and foreign matter, some of it poisonous, would be found in the stomach, don't you see? If you are doubtful, it would be well to use the stomach-pump." "Dearest Eugenie, be frank, be frank, do be frank," urged the Count. "I am not doubtful, I am certain," she answered. "How long ago, exactly? I told you to observe the time."

I should not have mentioned this well-known remedy, as it has long been superseded by other nostrums, were it not that this maritime prescription has been the origin of two modern improvements in the medical catalogue one is the stomach-pump, evidently borrowed from this simple engine; the other is the very successful prescription now in vogue, to those who are weak in the digestive organs, to eat fat bacon for breakfast, which I have no doubt was suggested to Doctor Vance, from what he had been eye-witness to on board of a man-of-war.

I have treated myself faithfully after this method three or four times; but I could not conscientiously recommend it. For cases of urticaria, I could recommend taking 3 grains of tartar-emetic; but then a stomach-pump would answer the purpose as well. On the 27th we set out for Misonghi.

I was awakened from a comfortable slumber by loud screams; mother stood by my bed, with the vial labeled "laudanum" in one hand, my letter in the other. Father rushed into the room. "Father, John's committed suicide. Oh! bring the tartar-emetic quick! Make some coffee as strong as lye! Oh! send for a stomach-pump.

Intestines slightly inflamed, stomach sometimes quite healthy. Treatment. Warm water, then chalk, carbonate of magnesium, or lime-water, freely. Not alkalies, as the oxalates of the alkalies are soluble and poisonous. Castor-oil. Emetics, but not stomach-pump. Fatal Dose. One drachm is the smallest, but half an ounce is usually fatal. Method of Extraction from the Stomach.

Hands usually clenched; feet arched and inverted. Congestion of brain, spinal cord, and lungs. Treatment. Emetics or stomach-pump if the patient is deeply anæsthetized. Tannic acid and permanganate of potassium. Bromide of potassium 1/2 ounce with chloral 30 grains, repeated if necessary. Quarter of a grain. Ten minutes; usually two to four hours. Method of Extraction from the Stomach.

. . . While I write, my heart is sore for a great calamity just befallen poor Rossetti, which I only heard of last night his wife, who had been, as an invalid, in the habit of taking laudanum, swallowed an overdose was found by the poor fellow on his return from the working-men's class in the evening, under the effects of it help was called in, the stomach-pump used; but she died in the night, about a week ago.