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"You see for yourself how things go," the priest said. "I am glad to see an officer of the great Earl of Peterborough, whose exploits have excited the admiration of all Spain. To whom have I the honor of speaking?" "I am Captain Stilwell, one of the earl's aides de camp; and you, father?" "I am Ignacio Bravos, the humble padre of the village of San Aldephonso.

Seth Craddock's enlarged himself and his authority until he's become a curse and a scourge to the citizens of this town." "I heard something of his doings from Fred Stilwell. Why don't you fire him?" "Morgan, I approached him," said the judge, with an air of injury. "I believe on my soul the old devil spared my life only because I had befriended him in past days.

Two days later, when, as the evening was falling, Jack Stilwell was walking up from the wharf, where he had been watching the unlading of the vessel in which he was to sail, he came upon a group of four or five soldiers standing at a corner. Then a voice, which he recognized as that of the foreman, Richard Carson, said: "That is your man, officer;" and the soldiers made a sudden rush upon him.

But their astonishment at finding the leader of the desperadoes at large was as nothing compared to Johnny Behan's bewilderment when he met the district judge in the court-house corridor some time near noon. "I'll be ready to take up the matter of that man Ringo's bail in a few minutes," Judge Stilwell said pleasantly. The sheriff remained inarticulate for several seconds. Finally

"I am not surprised you were astonished, sir, but the matter was simple enough;" and then Jack related the circumstances which had befallen them. "Bravo!" the earl said; "for once, Mr. Stilwell, a good action has had its reward, which, so far as my experience goes, is an exception."

"Did them fellers rope you and drag you away out here?" Stilwell inquired, leaning over in the tensity of his feeling, his tanned face growing pale, as if the thought of such atrocity turned his blood cold. "They hitched me to a freight train. The rope broke at the river."

"We are fated to see the inside of a French prison, after all," Jack said to Graham. "I don't know, Stilwell. We have both been in their hands once, and did not stay there long. I can hardly believe that our luck's going to desert us at last." "I don't see much chance of our escape this time, Graham. Six ships against one are too great odds even for English sailors.

The first, two thousand strong, was intended to hold the passes; two others, each one thousand strong, were to operate upon the flanks of the enemy; and a fourth, of the same strength, to act in its rear. "Now, Captain Stilwell," he said, "will you take the command of whichever of these bodies you choose?" "I thank you, count, for the offer," Jack said, "but I will take no command whatever.

Immediately the mutiny had been put down Jack Stilwell had stolen away and rejoined the soldiers forward; and although there was much wonder among the men as to how the affair had been discovered, none suspected him of having betrayed them, and believed that the officers must have been warned by some word incautiously let drop in their hearing.

Peterborough, however, did not hesitate a moment, but mounting his horse, and accompanied only by his aides de camp, Jack Stilwell and Lieutenant Graham, rode for Tortosa. Changing his horse at the various towns through which he passed, and riding almost night and day, he reached Tortosa on the 4th, and at once summoned the magnates of the town to give information as to the real state of things.