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My goodness, I I ain't got no words! Why, his victuals " "He ain't hearty. Sam Dyer told me he wa'n't hearty." "Well, then, Sam Dyer had better feed him, 'stid o' puttin' it onto you!" Lizzie was silent. Then she said, with a short sigh, "Course if I could 'a' just taken him in an' kep' him but you said folks would talk " "Well, I guess so. Course they'd talk you know this place.

And it's me as 'll have the brunt to bear, a-stoppin' my work to go to court, a-lying to yer good character, an' a-payin' the fine. It's a pity able-bodied men like policemens an' janitors can't be tendin' their own business 'stid of comin' interferin' with the family of a hard-workin' woman like me. If there's any justice in this world it ain't never flowed in my direction!" And Mrs.

And then, with a wheeling of the years, they were scattered everywhere. As the negroes passed the Berry cabin, Nan Berry came out with an old shawl around her bristling spikes. She stopped the two men and drew them to her gate with a gesture. "Wha you gwine?" "Jonesbuh." "Whut you goin' do 'bout po-o-o' Cissie?" "Goin' to see ef the sheriff won' take me 'stid o' Cissie."

"I don' know," said he, "why we hadn't just as well turn here and go up Artichoke road, and git baited at Coffin's, 'stid er stoppin' to see 'em on the way home. I'm feelin' sharp as a meat-axe ag'in." "I don' know whether the rest of ye are hungry or not," said plump little Mrs. Kobbe; "but I'm gittin as long-waisted as a knittin'-needle." The language of vivid hyperbole being exhausted, Mrs.

Later members of that house who had passed away lay in the small thicket-choked burial ground a hundred yards to the side. "Hit's a right fantastic notion," complained old Caleb who had come out to join them there, "ter be wedded outdoors under a tree, stid of indoors under a roof," but the girl turned and laid a hand on his arm, and her eyes livened with a glow of feeling and tenderness.

With a startled shriek she gave the pepper-pot such a shake that the lid flew off, and nearly all of the pepper went into the stew. "Jus' see what you done!" she scolded, as John Jay walked into the house an instant later. "Next time you come gawkin' in the window at me in the dark, I'll peppah you 'stid o' the rabbit!" John Jay hastened to change the subject.

You ain't even got the remains of the cabin you started in for a cow shed. Says I, 'Josiah, Miss Stanton knows how to get out of a cabin an' into a grand big palace, fit fur a queen woman. She's a ridin' in a shinin' kerridge, 'stid of a spring wagon. She goes abroad dressed so's you men all stand starin' like cabbage heads.

"En you refuse' to fight a man dat kicked you, 'stid o' jumpin' at de chance! En you ain't got no mo' feelin' den to come en tell me, dat fetched sich a po' lowdown ornery rabbit into de worl'! Pah! it make me sick! It's de nigger in you, dat's what it is. Thirty-one parts o' you is white, en on'y one part nigger, en dat po' little one part is yo' soul.

'Stid o' that she wasn't thar, an' Mandy Ann come clatterin' down de stars, an' I hearn a baby cry. In my s'prise I said, "What's dat ar? Has ole Miss got a baby?" "'Mandy Ann laughed till she cried, den cried without laughin', an' tole me wid her face to de wall, an' I was so shamed I could of hid in de san', an' Mandy Ann, they tole me, did run inter de woods at fust to hide herself.

"Samson South done that thar with his rifle-gun," he enlightened. "He's a funny sort of feller, is Samson South." "How?" she asked. "Wall, he licked us, an' he licked us so plumb damn hard we was skeered ter fight ag'in, an' then, 'stid of tramplin' on us, he turned right 'round, an' made me a deputy. My brother's a corporal in this hyar newfangled milishy.