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His resignation and firmness never forsook him for a moment; and he persisted in saying that he was the sole author of the attempt, and that no one else was aware of it. Staps' enterprise made a deep impression on the Emperor. On the day when we left Schoenbrunn we happened to be alone, and he said to me, 'I cannot get this unfortunate Staps out of my mind.

The more I think on the subject the more I am perplexed. I never can believe that a young man of his age, a German, one who has received a good education, a Protestant too, could have conceived and attempted such a crime. The Italians are said to be a nation of assassins, but no Italian ever attempted my life. This affair is beyond my comprehension. Inquire how Staps died, and let me know.

I was shortly afterwards told that a large carving-knife had been found on the young man, whose name was Staps. I immediately went to find Duroc, and we proceeded together to the apartment to which Staps had been taken. We found him sitting on a bed, apparently in deep thought, but betraying no symptoms of fear.

The more I think on the subject the more I am perplexed. I never can believe that a young man of his age, a German, one who has received a good education, a Protestant too, could have conceived and attempted such a crime. The Italians are said to be a nation of assassins, but no Italian ever attempted my life. This affair is beyond my comprehension. Inquire how Staps died, and let me know.

Such are the notes which I committed to paper after conversing with Rapp, as we were walking together in the garden of the former hotel of Montmorin, in which Rapp resided. I recollect his showing me the knife taken from Staps, which the Emperor had given him; it was merely a common carving-knife, such as is used in kitchens.

The affair of Staps, perhaps, made Napoleon anxious to hurry away from Schoenbrunn, for he set off before he had ratified the preliminaries of the peace, announcing that he would ratify them at Munich. He proceeded in great haste to Nymphenburg, where he was expected on a visit to the Court of Bavaria.

Marshal Macdonald Union of the Papal States with the Empire The battle of Talavera Sir Arthur Wellesley English expedition to Holland Attempt to assassinate the Emperor at Schoenbrunn Staps Interrogated by Napoleon Pardon offered and rejected Fanaticism and patriotism Corvisart's examination of Staps Second interrogatory Tirade against the illuminati Accusation of the Courts of Berlin and Weimar Firmness and resignation of Staps Particulars respecting his death Influence of the attempt of Staps on the conclusion of peace M. de Champagny.

The Emperor put the following questions to Staps, which I translated, together with the answers: "'Where do you come from? 'From Narremburgh. 'What is your father? 'A Protestant minister. 'How old are you? 'Eighteen. 'What did you intend to do with your knife? 'To kill you. 'You are mad, young man; you are one of the illuminati? 'I am not mad; I know not what is meant by the illuminati! 'You are ill, then? 'I am not; I am very well. 'Why did you wish to kill me? 'Because you have ruined my country. 'Have I done you any harm? 'Yes, you have harmed me as well as all Germans. 'By whom were you sent?

The affair of Staps, perhaps, made Napoleon anxious to hurry away from Schoenbrunn, for he set off before he had ratified the preliminaries of the peace, announcing that he would ratify them at Munich. He proceeded in great haste to Nymphenburg, where he was expected on a visit to the Court of Bavaria.

The Emperor put the following questions to Staps, which I translated, together with the answers: "'Where do you come from? 'From Narremburgh. 'What is your father? 'A Protestant minister. 'How old are you? 'Eighteen. 'What did you intend to do with your knife? 'To kill you. 'You are mad, young man; you are one of the illuminati? 'I am not mad; I know not what is meant by the illuminati! 'You are ill, then? 'I am not; I am very well. 'Why did you wish to kill me? 'Because you have ruined my country. 'Have I done you any harm? 'Yes, you have harmed me as well as all Germans. 'By whom were you sent?