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"Well, think of your mother who has been so devoted to you, and of your brother, whom you made your milch cow." "Ah! did he tell you that nonsense?" cried Philippe. "Am I not the friend of the family, and don't I know much more about you than they do?" asked Desroches. "What do you know?" said Philippe. "That you betrayed your comrades." "I!" exclaimed Philippe. "I! a staff-officer of the Emperor!

I pointed out to him the rebel works, admitted that my assault had failed, and he said the result with McPherson and McClernand was about the same. While he was with me, an orderly or staff-officer came and handed him a piece of paper, which he read and handed to me.

After humbling the Emperor's staff-officer by reproaching him with his reckless dissipations, his mother's misfortunes, and the death of Madame Descoings, he went on to tell him the state of things at Issoudun, explaining it according to his lights, and probing both the scheme and the character of Maxence Gilet and the Rabouilleuse to their depths.

As he raised himself upon a small boulder to look through glasses at the enemy, who were pouring in a hail of bullets from a distance of little more than 150 yards, a bullet struck him in the forehead, and there he lay, apparently lifeless, with every sense dead to the din of war about him. A few minutes later Colonel Frank Rhodes heard that a staff-officer had been hit.

In the field were plainly to be seen two companies of cavalry, dressed in United States uniform; but they were not the Riverlawn Squadron. "That is not our battalion, Captain Woodbine," said he, amazed at the appearance of this strange force. "It certainly is not," answered the staff-officer. "Two more companies of cavalry comin' down de road, Mars'r," Cuffy volunteered to inform them.

This information set Bonaparte's mind at rest, and he went to bed very well satisfied; but early next morning, when a firing was heard, and he learned that the Austrians had debouched on the plain, where the troops were engaged, he flew into a furious passion, called the staff-officer a coward, and said he had not advanced far enough. He even spoke of bringing the matter to an investigation.

They were little prepared for the resources of a practised staff-officer. Never had a ball even to them looked so well arranged, or in such thorough style, as a little dexterous arrangement of flowers, lights, and sofas, and rendered those two rooms. The two hosts worked extremely well.

Through them, with but one challenge, Chad went, down the big hill, past the Armory, and into the town pulling panting Dixie up before a wondering sentinel who guarded the Commandant's sleeping quarters. "The Commandant is asleep." "Wake him up," said Chad, sharply. A staff-officer appeared at the door in answer to the sentinel's knock. "What is your business?" "A message from General Ward."

He replied, "There must be some mistake." I then asked, "Why not send a staff-officer and have your people cease firing; they are violating the flag." He answered, "I have no staff-officer to send."

From there we wound up through a narrowing valley, under wooded cliffs, to a little settlement where the Colonel of the Brigade was to be found. There was a short conference between the Colonel and our staff-officer, and then we annexed a Captain of Chasseurs and spun away again.