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The perception that can see deep into your soul and see, as it were, the yet unborn thought; that can distinguish the motive of action; that judges the realities of your soul. Such is the Astral Uranian. For with us all, are three planes of mind: The drift plane, the intellectual, and the spiritual, or internal plane; and thought- reading can be on one or all of these different states.

All nature is animated by good and evil spirits, to be dealt with like other natural advantages or difficulties, but not thought of as moral or spiritual guides. It is true that the Atharva often rises above this phase, for it consists not of simple folk-lore, but of folk-lore modified under-sacerdotal influence.

Sentimentality is held in such horror that people are afraid even of sentiment. Their secret cry is: "Give us something in which we can believe." They forget, in their confusion, that the great principles, spiritual and moral, remain absolutely intact.

They formed the entire property which Jesus had to leave, and the four soldiers were His heirs. Yet this was He who bequeathed the vastest legacy that ever has been left by any human being a legacy ample enough to enrich the whole world. Only it was a spiritual legacy of wisdom, of influence, of example.

She was known to possess something much less common, and far more potent than beauty, and that was a fascinating, compelling spiritual force, which magnetised into strange submission all who came within its influence, and many there were who admitted, though with bated breath that 'An' if she chose' she could easily become a very great personage indeed.

Once in infinite existence, immeasurable in time and space, a spiritual creature was given on his coming to earth, the power of saying, “I am and I love.” Once, only once, there was given him a moment of active living love, and for that was earthly life given him, and with it times and seasons.

With Christ the natural man in him had been crucified, and in Christ he had risen again a spiritual man, to walk the earth, as a messenger from heaven, for a few more years. His whole life was an experience of perpetual graces and miracles.

Children in America enter into so many of the things of their parents' lives, is it not good that they are given their parts even in those spiritual things that are most near and sacred? I have among my friends a little boy whose father finds God most surely in the operation of natural law.

Vittoria read the faces of the mornings as human creatures base tried to gather the sum of their destinies off changing surfaces, fair not meaning fair, nor black black, but either the mask upon the secret of God's terrible will; and to learn it and submit, was the spiritual burden of her motherhood, that the child leaping with her heart might live.

Do not faint because you have temptations. Do not fear because there are long and fierce battles to fight. Be strong and of good courage. It is a life-long struggle, and it is also a life-long victory, and in the end eternal victory. Strong and well-developed spiritual sinews are the result of resisted temptations. It is not sinful to be tempted. We never lose any spirituality by being tempted.