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It was typewritten; it bore no address and no signature; it was no doubt a duplicate of what Spender had taken to the Highlands, for its purport, as given by Crawford from memory, was to the following effect: "Owing to great changes since you left, and altered circumstances, the Committee think it would be unwise to bring the cargo here at present, and instruct you to proceed to the Baltic and cruise there for three months, keeping in touch with the Committee, or else to store the goods at Hamburg till required."

Forgetting her repugnance to the bed, Janet sat down beside Lise and put an arm around her. "He said he'd marry me, he swore he was rich and he was a spender all right. And then some guy came up to me one night at Gruber's and told me he was married already." "What?" Janet exclaimed. "Sure! He's got a wife and two kids here in Boston. That was a twenty-one round knockout!

In short, all spending is, on the part of those who spend, a determination of the efforts of others in such ways as the spender pleases.

She prefers the country life and Blenheim to the best that London can give her, and this taste is to a great measure shared by many of our American peeresses and guests. The Countess of Orford, Lady Monson, the Countess of Donoughmore, Mrs. Spender Clay, Lady Charles Ross and Mrs.

"Oh, call it what you like foolish pride perhaps, but I wanted to stay here and finish as I'd begun with the best of the spenders. That's what I've been a spender. I couldn't be otherwise I was brought up that way. So, when I found I couldn't get any money any other way I began stealing. I'm not looking for sympathy I'm telling the plain truth. I took your watch, Dunk. I took those books.

On the quiet, he's the man who gave us the new boathouse last year. He's our best spender. He was an old varsity oar himself." "Sure, I know." "That's the reason the situation is delicate. Frankly, Jim, Doc Nicholls and the rest of us would have liked to see Junior Doane come through. I think you get what I mean. He's a senior; he's my best friend." "He stroked the boat last year."

"Where do I buy the chips?" The man smiled. "I'll fix you up. How many?" "One." "A big spender, eh?" The man snickered, but handed over a large plastic chip. Retief stepped to the machine, dropped the coin. "If you want to change your mind," the man said, "you can back out now. All it'll cost you is the chip you dropped." Retief reached through the hole, took the grip.

"Eh," he said, "After all this life is good! Much better even than when I was secretary of the 'Courier of Moscow. Of course, it is transitory.... Won't you take some more, please?... and we all will be out. Perhaps those of us who will not, by that time, hang, will have already some money put aside. Not I I am a spender. I can't keep this money."

Jack was reminded of that secret conference in the cabin and Joe's conviction that some uncommon devilment was afoot. It appeared as though "Tallow Dick" Spender, that unwholesome master of the Triumph sloop, had been chosen as the right bower. And now there arose a sudden and riotous noise in the camp.

To live on fifteen dollars a week, plus his own small income, which all went for "extras," had been simple, at Mrs. Brashear's. To live on fifty at the Regalton was much more of a problem. Banneker discovered that he was a natural spender. The discovery caused him neither displeasure nor uneasiness.