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The first work of Ghirlandaio which the boy saw in the making was the beautiful "Adoration of the Magi," in the Church of the Spedale degli Innocenti, completed in 1488, and the S. Maria Novella frescoes, and it is reasonable to suppose that he helped with the frescoes in colour grinding, even if he did not, as some have said, paint with his own hand the beggar sitting on the steps in the scene representing the "Presentation of the Virgin". That he was already clever with his pencil, we know, for he had made some caricatures and corrected a drawing or two.

Andrea del Sarto again Franciabigio outraged Alessio Baldovinetti Piero de' Medici's church An Easter Sunday congregation Andrea's "Madonna del Sacco" "The Statue and the Bust" Henri IV The Spedale degli Innocenti Andrea della Robbia Domenico Ghirlandaio Cosimo I and the Etruscans Bronzes and tapestries Perugino's triptych S. Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi "Very sacred human dust".

After his flight from Rome in 1506 Michael Angelo had some six months at Florence, working on his cartoon in the workshop at the Spedale dei Tintori. When he went to Julius at Bologna in November it was finished, and was exhibited in the Sala del Papa at Santa Maria Novella. All this time Bramante and his set had the Pope’s ear in Rome.

The SS. Annunziata and the Spedale degli Innocenti