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"I have borne such names as this maiden gives me," said the fugitive, after a moment's recollection. "Yes, I was called Conachar when I was happy, and Eachin when I was powerful. But now I have no name, and there is no such clan as thou speak'st of; and thou art a foolish maid to speak of that which is not to one who has no existence." "Alas! unfortunate "

'But your sister, Fergus? 'Out, hyperbolical fiend, replied the Chief, laughing; 'how vexest thou this man! Speak'st thou of nothing but of ladies? 'Nay, be serious, my dear friend, said Waverley; 'I feel that the happiness of my future life must depend upon the answer which Miss Mac-Ivor shall make to what I ventured to tell her this morning.

"What avails A part without the whole?" the youth exclaimed; "Can there be here a lesser or a greater? The truth thou speak'st of, like mere earthly dross, Is't but a sum that can be held by man In larger or in smaller quantity?

"Think so, dear Lady, if it comfort thee," she said. "It will not be for long!" A garment which was supposed to draw the blood downwards from the brain. "And speak'st thou thus, Despairing of the sun that sets to thee, And of the earthly love that wanes to thee, And of the Heaven that lieth far from thee? Peace, peace, fond fool!

But thou speak'st like one having some interest in these matters, and therefore I will tell thee plainly, that although this woman has published her own shame in avowing her correspondence with that same Randal Lacy, yet what she has said is true as the gospel; and, were it my last word, I would say that Damian and the Lady Eveline are innocent of all treason and all dishonesty, as is the babe unborn.

Speak'st thou of their inability to influence waters, when yet thou know'st that ever the weakest, the moon herself weakest because nearest to this wretched earth of ours holds under her domination not such poor streams as the Somme, but the tides of the mighty ocean itself, which ebb and increase as her disc waxes and wanes, and watch her influence as a slave waits the nod of a Sultana?

"If thou speak'st truth, thou hast had singular luck in this world, and, truly, if it be the pleasure of Providence exposes thee to such trials, without a beard on thy lip, thou wilt be mad with vanity ere thou writest thyself man. Thou canst not move me to anger, though thou mayst to mirth.

'But your sister, Fergus? 'Out, hyperbolical fiend! replied the Chief, laughing; 'how vexest thou this man! Speak'st thou of nothing but of ladies? 'Nay, be serious, my dear friend, said Waverley; 'I feel that the happiness of my future life must depend upon the answer which Miss Mac-Ivor shall make to what I ventured to tell her this morning.

Nay, prithee speak, Indeed I shall not be offended at it. Alcan. I know not why you should, Sir; She's where she ought, abed with young Alcippus. Phi. Thou speak'st thy real Thoughts. Alcan. Why should your Highness doubt it? Phi. By Heaven, there is no faith in Woman-kind; Alcander, dost thou know an honest Woman? Alcan. Many, Sir. Phi.

He haven't got man's strength yet, and oi can work for us both. I bain't a-going to let him go by hisself, not loikely." "Thou art roight, lad," Luke said heartily. "Dang it all, lad, thou speak'st loike a man. Oi be sorry thou art going, Bill, for oi loike thee; but thou be right to go wi' this poor lad. Goodby, lad, and luck be wi' ye;" and Luke wrung Bill's hand heartily.