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As I told you before, I expected spade-guineas. It's one of the disappointments of my life!" declared Diana, getting into bed. Joy-riding The post at Pendlemere Abbey was distributed after breakfast, and the girls devoured their correspondence in the short interval before lessons began.

"He must be made to remember. You are aware that I have a little box full of spade-guineas, which your uncle put into my hands to divide between yourself and Clym whenever I chose. Perhaps the time has come when it should be done. They can be turned into sovereigns at any moment." "I think I should like to have my share that is, if you don't mind." "You shall, if necessary.

"When I first opened it I expected to find a hoard of spade-guineas or silver punch-bowls," said Diana ruefully to Loveday the two girls were discussing the great discovery as they went to bed. "I nearly howled when I found nothing but dust." "I wonder," answered Loveday, "if this is what that gentleman found the one, I mean, who came to see Father when I had measles.

The idea that silver cups, jewels, or spade-guineas might be lying hidden under the glossy leaves of the cucumber plants began to obtain possession of the girls' minds. "If we could only manage to look while he's out of the way," suggested Cicely eagerly. Scott's close attention to his duties was most annoying.

"He must be made to remember. You are aware that I have a little box full of spade-guineas, which your uncle put into my hands to divide between yourself and Clym whenever I chose. Perhaps the time has come when it should be done. They can be turned into sovereigns at any moment." "I think I should like to have my share that is, if you don't mind." "You shall, if necessary.