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Hand-weapons flashed viciously, tearing at steel armor and at bulging space-suits. Space-hooks bit and tore. Pikes and lances were driven with the full power of brawny arms. Here and there could be seen trooper and hexan, locked together in fierce embrace far from any hand-line six limbs against four, all ten plied with abandon in mortal, hand-to-hand, foot-to-foot combat.

Some were encased in space-suits, and it was to these that the rescuers turned first space-hardened veterans though the men of the Chicago were, they did not care even to look at the others. Strangely enough, however, not one of the floating figures spoke or moved, and space-line men were hurriedly sent out to investigate. "All dead." Quickly the dread report came back. "Been dead a long time.

"This time he goes or I go, but by the gods of space it'll be one of us!" There Is a Meteor His face set and cold, Carse ran to the stores cabin, just as the Eurasian must have hurried there a few minutes before. He took one of Dr. Ku's self-propulsive space-suits down from the rack and slipped into it, sticking a raygun in the belt.

It was not wholly familiar even to Cochrane, who had used sets on the Dikkipatti Hour of most of the locations in which human dramas can unfold. This was a physics laboratory, pure and simple. The air smelled of ozone and spilled acid and oil and food and tobacco-smoke and other items. West and Jamison were already here, their space-suits removed.

A comet's tail, which so many people are afraid of as being poison gas, is almost a perfect vacuum, even at its thickest, and we'd have to wear space-suits anyway. And speaking of vacuum ... whoopee! We don't need mercury any more than a goldfish needs a gas-mask. When we get Mr.

"You're hit!" cried Leithgow. "It's nothing...." The slender adventurer stood very still, thinking. He was trapped. But he was never more dangerous than when he was trapped. Leithgow timidly ventured a suggestion. "Why can't we put on our space-suits and rise up in the dome?" Crisply the answer came back: "Hard to maneuver laterally. Never get out ports. Sure death.... I have it!" he ended.

But the metal space-suits glistened and steamed, and the steam disappeared within inches. They were so completely and utterly cold that they condensed the air about them as a liquid, which reëvaporated to make fog, which warmed up and disappeared and was immediately replaced. "Item," said Calhoun again, getting his arms out of the vacuum-suit sleeves. "The controls are pretty nearly standard.

While Nadia controlled her impatience as best she could, Stevens manipulated the bulbs and pipettes of the gas apparatus. "Pressure, fifty-two centimeters more than I dared hope for and analysis all x, I believe. Oxygen concentration a little high, but not much." "We won't have to wear the space-suits, then?" "Not unless I missed something in the analysis.

He carried objects which had been weightless, but were suddenly heavy in the ship's gravity-field. There were two space-suits and a curious assortment of parcels. He spread them out, flipped aside the face-plate, and said briskly; "This stuff is cold! Turn a heater on it, will you Maril?" He began to work his way out of his vacuum-suit. "Item," he said. "The ships are fuelled and provisioned.

For several minutes they stood silent, exchanging thoughts with a rapidity impossible in any language; then, dressed in space-suits, both leaped lightly across the narrow gap into the still open outer lock of the terrestrial liner. King watched Czuv narrowly after the pressure began to collapse his suit, but the stranger made no sign of distress.