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The Cloysters neer to Peters churche was converted into the serdge markett, which was before in Southgate street. The wall which divided East & West Peters was taken downe in December and in the month following the serdg markett was removed out of the Cloystures, and carried againe into Southgate street whear it was before.

A barbarous nation has no "interior," but the Saracens show us what a national "interior" is. "In former ages," says the author to whom I have referred, Mr. Southgate, "the bosom of Islamism was riven with numerous feuds and schisms, some of which have originated from religious controversy, and others from political ambition.

One of his loonies got out last March and near did for a child on the Southgate Road before he was collared; and yet they make a Mayor of him." "Have another drink?" said Jones. "I don't mind if I do." "Well, here's luck," said he, putting his nose into the new glass. "Luck!" said Jones. "Do Hoover's lunatics often escape?" "Escape why I heard only an hour ago another of them was out.

SHALER, NATHANIEL SOUTHGATE. Born at Newport, Kentucky, February 22, 1841; graduated Lawrence Scientific School, 1862; professor paleontology at Harvard, 1868-87; professor of geology, 1887, to death, April 11, 1906.

Nevertheless the manager knew something of him, for three separate gentlemen had sent Angus to the institute. One had found him in the wilds of Finchley looking for Bridlington! Another had found him pursuing the same quest at Highgate, while still another had come on him, with his dark glasses, bundle and stick, looking for Bridlington on the road to Southgate.

Dwight, in his Christianity Revived in the East is severe on Bishop Horatio Southgate, of the American Episcopal mission in Turkey, on the ground of his publicly declared sympathy with the Patriarch Matteos, and the advice and countenance he was believed to have given that cruel persecutor.

How far the Patriarch was actually influenced by Bishop Southgate, it is impossible to say; and I have supposed that at this late day, the demands of history would be satisfied with this brief allusion to the case. See Christianity Revived, pp. 211-213.

Sandford rose up suddenly and introduced me to a Captain Southgate who came up; and the conversation ran upon West Point things and nothings after that. I was going back over my memory, to find in how far religion had been associated with some other valued things in the instances of my experience, and I heard little of what was said. Mr.

The eldest of these venerable men, GEORGE MCINTOSH, Esq., was in his ninety-second year, and the others, WILLIAM H. THOMSON, Esq., and JOHN SOUTHGATE, Esq., were over eighty years. When the religious services were ended, a procession was formed, and the hearse was escorted to the steamer Northampton, Captain McCarrick, and the coffin was placed on board.

The most esteemed are, The Southgate Cucumber. The Long Prickly. The Long Turkey. The White Spined. The early crop is usually sown in hot-beds in the spring, and is a crop on which most gardeners have always prided themselves, each on his best mode of management of this crop. They will also grow if sown in April, and planted out in the open ground. The short prickly cucumber is grown for gerkins.