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Dawn began to break in the forest and Alan woke in his shelter and stretched himself. He had slept soundly all the night, so soundly that the innocent Jeekie wondered much whether by any chance he also had taken a tot out of that particular whisky bottle, as indeed he had recommended him to do. People who drink whisky after long abstinence from spirits are apt to sleep long, he reflected.

The doctor, coming in late from a visit to the hospital, found Harris still wakeful, but not so feverish, and 'Tonio, worn and wearied, stretched on a Navajo blanket, seemed sleeping soundly on the side piazza, just without the door.

So fatigued was he that he slept soundly, unconscious of the activity without, where the moored U-boat was being fitted for another voyage into the North Sea. It was several hours past noon when he was awakened by the roar of guns, hoarse cries of men, and the stamp of feet outside his prison.

Before that human statue on guard could even lower his gun to repel boarders, my head struck him soundly in the stomach, sending him crashing back against one of those tightly closed doors.

In his twenty-sixth year, when he was trying hard to be good, he got into a personal altercation with the Chevalier de Rohan, an insignificant man bearing a proud name. The Chevalier's wit was no match for the other's rapier-like tongue, but he had a way of his own in which to get even. He had his servants waylay the luckless poet and chastise him soundly with rattans.

They felt quite satisfied to know that their home was once more afloat. Jack declared he rested better when the vessel was rocked by the waves. None of the lads slept soundly. Rowdy seemed to have lost his composure of a few hours earlier and paced up and down the cabin. Occasionally one of the boys would start up from his bunk and wander about to peer from the windows or pilot house.

Unlike the realm of Britain, where the 'golden youth' enfeeble their intellects by the perusal of such poor and slangy journalism that they have lost both the art and wit to comprehend brilliant political writing, the inhabitants of this particular corner of the sunny south were always ready to worship genius wherever even the smallest glimmer of it appeared, and the admiration Leroy's writings excited was fast becoming universal, though for the most part these writings were extremely inflammable in nature, and rated both King and Court soundly.

Many of the faces were intellectual, especially of the men there was no doubt of that; and all were wholesome-looking and healthy, just as this little square was sensibly built and planned, and the houses soundly constructed. Yet, as he looked at them en masse, and compared them with his general memories of the type of face that he saw in London streets, there was certainly a difference.

When he reported, he asked if any further reports had come in, and was told that a messenger had just arrived with dispatches announcing that Boutler had moved on City Point, capturing it; that Sherwood expected to attack Jones at Rocky Head on that day. Silent then went to bed and slept soundly. "The next morning there was no enemy in sight. Gen.

'Thus, having expressed an affection for Leicester which no one doubted, having once more thoroughly brow-beaten the states, and having soundly lectured Buckhurst as a requital for his successful efforts to bring about a more wholesome condition of affairs she gave the envoy a parting stab, with this postscript; "There is small disproportion," she said "twist a fool who useth not wit because he hath it not, and him that useth it not when it should avail him."