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There are at least a dozen species of them, nearly half of which are found in the Island of Sumatra alone. The Proboscis monkeys follow the gibbons. These are also long-armed apes, but with tails and sharp proboscis-like snouts, from which their name is derived. Only two species are known both belonging to the great Island of Borneo, so rich in varieties of these human-like mammalia.

A slackening of the cord, even to the extent of twelve inches, would have been fatal to the feet of Snowball already within six of the surface of the water and the snouts of the sharks! Perhaps never in all his checkered career had the life of the negro been suspended in such dangerous balance.

And he hurried along a quay wall, which formed one of the arms of a little harbour where small craft might lie. The bells were indeed clanging wildly, and the noise was deafening. Voices were to be heard now snouts and cries; though whether the people were yet on their track or not they could not tell.

We passed over two opening cracks, through which killers were pushing their ugly snouts, and by 5 p.m. had covered a mile in a north-north-westerly direction. The condition of the ice ahead was chaotic, for since the morning increased pressure had developed and the pack was moving and crushing in all directions.

As he took the water, from four separate points along the bank great reptiles slithered; their snouts and protuberant eyes left behind them sinister ripples as they converged on the swimmer. Barry watched with set lips and glittering eyes.

They were blue sharks, dreadful man-eaters with enormous tails, dull, glassy stares, and phosphorescent matter oozing from holes around their snouts. They were like monstrous fireflies that could thoroughly pulverize a man in their iron jaws!

Trident was ably filled by one of the youngest sailors, dressed in some of the maids' clothes; but the accompanying pictures will give a better idea than any description of mine. Soon afterwards we saw an enormous shoal of grampuses, large black fish, about 25 feet in length, something between a dolphin and a whale, with the very ugliest jaws, or rather snouts, imaginable.

Among the more astute there was a certain restlessness an impatience at the restraint of the traces, an indecisive quickness of movement, a sniffing of snouts and pricking of ears. These became incensed at their more phlegmatic brothers, urging them on with numerous sly nips on their hinder quarters. Those, thus chidden, also contracted and helped spread the contagion.

"Crocodiles live there," said Rachel, "I saw one as I passed. Now take the shield and spear and follow me." She obeyed, for with hope her strength seemed, to have returned to her, and the two of them scrambled down the cliffs into the kloof. As they reached the edge of the pool they saw great snouts and a disturbance in the water. Rachel was right, crocodiles lived there.

Private yachts, trim and very graceful and gleaming with brass and varnish, slipped by with scarcely a ripple to mark their progress, while full in the centre of the bay, gigantic, solid, formidable, her grim, silent guns thrusting their snouts from her turrets, a great, white battleship rode motionless to her anchor. An hour passed; noon came.