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"I am saving him this!" proclaimed Vivier, disgorging from the flotsam of his pocket a lump of once-white sugar. "My wife, she smuggle three of these to me in her last paquet. One I eat in my cafe noir; one I present to mon cher vieux, ce bon Mahan; one I keep for the grand dog what save us all that day." "What's the idea?" queried the mystified rookie. "I don't "

"You don't suppose they would welcome any spies if they are smugglers, do you?" he asked. "But what do they smuggle? Diamonds? Precious stones?" "Don't know. Maybe. There is a heavy internal revenue tax on diamonds," Chess said. "Goodness! wouldn't Helen like to be here." "She'd want to go ashore and take a hand in it," grinned Copley. "I know her." "Yes, Helen is brave," admitted Ruth. "Humph!

What has he been doing that he is wicked?" "Smuggling!" exclaimed Schout Van Swearingen. "He has taken advantage of the free port of New Amstel to smuggle to the Swedes of Altona and New Gottenburg, and the English of Maryland. Mark his back well!" The sailor, as he seemed to be, looked at Nanking without fear. "Come, earn your money," he said.

She was calm enough now to consider herself fortunate in finding it so poorly secured in its frame; without the latter it would be far easier to smuggle the canvas away under her cloak. In the final glance she bent upon Victor's beaten and insensible body there was no pity, no regret, no trace of compunction. What he had suffered he had ten times no, a hundred, a thousand earned.

No more remains, but to ask if you will undertake my service?" "I have no great mind to it; but coming as you do with Alan's button, the choice is scarcely left me," said he. "What are your instructions?" he added, and took up his pen. "The first point is to smuggle Alan forth of this country," said I, "but I need not be repeating that." "I am little likely to forget it," said Stewart.

The animal toys looked more like natural history models than the comfortable, sympathetic companions that one would wish, at a certain age, to take to bed with one, and to smuggle into the bath-room.

No more remains, but to ask if you will undertake my service?" "I have no great mind to it; but coming as you do with Alan's button, the choice is scarcely left me," said he. "What are your instructions?" he added, and took up his pen. "The first point is to smuggle Alan forth of this country," said I, "but I need not be repeating that." "I am little likely to forget it," said Stewart.

"Well, to begin, we would send word to the government that your Raphael Madonna had been sold out of the country." "I don't think that a good beginning, because it is easy enough to prove it is in your palace." "Ah, of course. But for the amusement of the argument we will say that I want to do you an injury and so smuggle it out of the country!

This duty was now taken off, so that the price of the tea for America might be lowered. The company's tea thus became so cheap that the American merchant could buy a pound of it and pay the threepence duty beside for less than it cost him to smuggle a pound of tea from Holland.

In the introduction to these lectures he declared that it was no new thing that he was offering to men, for by the grace of God the whole teaching of St. Paul was now made known; but the greatest danger was, lest the devil should again filch away that doctrine of faith and smuggle in once more his own doctrine of human works and dogmas.