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I suppose it was so becoming she could not help buying it. I'm sure it's Virot." As she was looking at the girl admiringly, a man passed her window. He was a tall man with a square face. As he passed close to Emily, he stared through her head as if she had been transparent or invisible. He got into the smoking-carriage next to her.

Ayscough! when on earth is this going to come to something like a clearing-up?" Ayscough settled himself in a corner of a smoking-carriage and leaned back. "My own opinion," he said, "is that it's coming to an end. Tomorrow, the news of the Chinaman's murder'll be the talk of the town. And if that doesn't fetch Levendale out of whatever cranny he's crept into, hanged if I know what will!"

He gave up trying to understand the mystery which hung about Dudley, and left it to Doreen and to his father to unravel. The two young men did not meet again, therefore, until seven that evening, when they took their seats in the same smoking-carriage.

The editor of the Beacon had enjoyed a very pleasant journey, despite broiling sun and searching dust. He knew the possibilities of a first-class smoking-carriage how to regulate the leeward window and chock off the other with a wooden match borrowed from the guard.

"Pardon! Madame does not know that this is a smoking-carriage?" "But yes. Monsieur is very good. It is that my husband would smoke. He is an old soldier. He smokes all the time. Ciel! They are like chimneys, these old soldiers. This man of mine regrets that he cannot smoke when he is asleep!"

This we afterwards found ample to contain all the necessaries required. On the evening, then, of the 13th of April, we stood on the platform of the Charing Cross Station, awaiting the departure of the mail train for Dover, and our luggage duly registered for Paris we ensconced ourselves in a smoking-carriage, and lit up the fragrant weed, not sorry that we were really off at last.

"Well," began Julius, "I got into one of your dear old-fashioned first-class British compartments. The train was just off. First thing I knew a guard came along and informed me mighty politely that I wasn't in a smoking-carriage. I handed him out half a dollar, and that settled that. I did a bit of prospecting along the corridor to the next coach. Whittington was there right enough.

The three travelers left by the slow down-train on the Monday morning. I went to the station with them. I saw Drayton into a smoking-carriage, and climbed in and sat with him. There was still ten minutes' grace allowed us. 'Where's Browne, and where's Mrs. Browne? I asked. 'Along there, ever so far! he said; 'with Professor Ayres and the Misses Ayres, and all sorts of good company. But, hullo!

By contrast, these pleasant cars call to mind the branch-road cars at Maryborough, Australia, and the passengers' talk about the branch-road and the hotel. Somewhere on the road to Maryborough I changed for a while to a smoking-carriage. There were two gentlemen there; both riding backward, one at each end of the compartment. They were acquaintances of each other.

She had happened to be at the railway station on the raw, chill morning when Fanny Russell, in her smart new gray travelling suit part of her outfit was put into a railway carriage by her father and left there alone, while he went to look after the luggage and find a smoking-carriage for himself. Fanny sat like a statue.