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The indefatigable lawyer pursued his attack after dinner, and was supported by Gus and by my wife too; who certainly was disinterested in the matter more than disinterested, for she would have given a great deal to be spared my aunt's company. But she said she saw the force of Mr. Smithers's arguments, and I admitted their justice with a sigh.

T , who had evidently looked upon this matter as mere play, flushed scarlet as he read these words, and for one instant looked as if he had rather fly the house than answer Joe Smithers's nonchalant glance of inquiry. "I have given my word and will keep it," he said at last, but with a look in my direction that sent me reluctantly back to my retreat.

I only wants to know wot it is you're layin' out to 'ave for your luncheon, if that's wot you call it." "Poached eggs on toast, last night's cold potatoes warmed over, hot biscuits, jam, and tea." Mrs. Smithers's articulate response resembled a cluck more closely than anything else. "You can make biscuits, can't you?" went on Dorothy, hastily. "I 'ave," responded Mrs. Smithers, dryly.

Hodge and Smithers, for Aunt was always at law with her tenants, and paid dearly for her litigious spirit; so that Mr. Smithers's concern regarding the sale of it did not seem to me to be quite disinterested. "And did you come to London, Mr. Smithers, expressly to acquaint me with this fact?

Hoggarty left the Rookery in Smithers's carriage, Mr. Brough, with his four greys, was entering the lodge-gate; and I should like to have seen the looks of these two gentlemen, as the one was carrying the other's prey off, out of his own very den, under his very nose.

"Will you?" says Gus; "that's a trump!" and he seized Smithers's hand, and squeezed it so that the tears came into the attorney's eyes. "Generous fellow!" said I; "lend me money, when you know what a situation I am in, and not able to pay!" "Ay, my good sir, there's the rub!" says Mr. Smithers. "I said I would have lent the money; and so to the acknowledged heir of Mrs.

At that moment a wild cry of joy rang out, and Joe Smithers's wife, who had dropped a great brass lotah of clear, cold water which she had been to fetch from the Doctor's well, hurried in to announce that the commanding officer was down, and had brought the Doctor with his wife to attend to their brave old friend.

"Oh wanted to see these 'ere;" and then, as an idea struck the lad on noticing the canvas haversack slung from Smithers's shoulder, he said quickly, "What you got in your satchel, comrade?" "Only bread-cake." "Give us a bit." "Take the lot," said Smithers. "I don't want it. Only in the way. A drink of water will do for me."

Smithers's elegant manner, Ben begin to cut up such capers that even a party of dignified hens, going down the avenue to bed, paused to look on with clucks of astonishment, evidently fancying that salt had set him to fluttering and tumbling as it did them.

So the schedule was produced and the notes were solemnly counted, twenty-one thousand five hundred francs, and the gold four hundred francs, and the jewels were identified, and the bonds, of which Jeanne knew nothing, were checked by a list in her father's handwriting, and Jeanne signed a paper with Smithers's fountain-pen, and Willoughby witnessed her signature, and thus she entered into possession of her heritage.