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The chief method of spread is through unrecognized mild cases of the disease, especially of the nasal form. For this reason boards of health now always insist upon smears being made from the throats and noses of every other child in the family or house where a case of diphtheria is recognized.

"Your new milk pail?" questioned Mary. "That's what!" said Jimmy. "The next time I go to town I'm goin' to get you two." "But I only need one," protested Mary. "Instead of two, get me a new dishpan. Mine leaks, and smears the stove and table." "Be Gorry!" sighed Jimmy. "There goes me tongue, lettin' me in for it again.

Then he glanced at the prairie, which ran west, streaked with ochre stubble in the foreground, then white and silvery gray, with neutral smears of poplar bluffs, to the blaze of crimson where it cut the sky. It was vast and lonely; at first sight a hard, forbidding land that broke down the slack of purpose and drove out the sybarite.

Probably it explained the clay smears on the boots and Seth's discomfiture of the morning; but that was immaterial. The fact, the one essential fact, was this: the compact was broken. Seth had broken it. Brown was relieved of all responsibility. If he wished to swim in that cove, no matter who might be there, he was perfectly free to do it. And he would do it, by George!

"But you'll pay for this, my fine gentlemen; this isn't sharp practice, but criminal fraud." "The burden of proof," said Raffles, "lies with you. Meanwhile, will you be good enough to open that door instead of looking as sick as a cold mud-poultice?" The money-lender had, indeed, turned as grey as his hair; and his eyebrows, which were black and looked dyed, stood out like smears of ink.

"Yes, I thought it quite handsome. But can you explain to me why, after taking all that trouble to decorate it, they should have disfigured it with those great smears of bitumen?" "Ah!" said Mr. Jellicoe, "that is quite an interesting question.

"I don't see how stopping here would help him to find the lode," said Thirlwell, who went to the door. It was getting dark and except for the turmoil of the river the bush was very still. The green behind the pines had faded, and they rose against the sky indistinctly in smears of shadowy blue.

"The shirt will do well enough, but there must be a patch or two of grease upon the jacket, and some smears of dirt, of some kind." When he had done them to his satisfaction, he took them upstairs. "What horrid, dirty looking things!" Amy exclaimed, in disgust. "They are clean enough inside, child. They are quite new; but I have been dirtying them, outside, to make them look natural.

The great army of Dervishes was dwarfed by the size of the landscape to mere dark smears and smudges on the brown of the plain. Looking east, another army was now visible the British and Egyptian army. All six brigades had passed the Kerreri Hills, and now stood drawn up in a crescent, with their backs to the Nile. The transport and the houses of the village of Egeiga filled the enclosed space.

The room was misty with the microscopic dust from the creatures’ wings; on her palms and fingers were black stains and stains of livid orange; and across wall and ceiling streaks and smudges of rusty colour. She was still trembling when she washed the smears from her hands. Her fingers were still unsteady as she smoothed out each tiny sheet of tissue paper and laid it on her night table.