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They glittered like unscabbarded steel. In them was a contained fire that awed him. He threw out his hand in a weak, impotent gesture of despair. "My God, how did I ever come to get into such a mix-up? It will ruin me." "How did you come to go?" she asked. "He wanted to see New York. I suppose I had some notion of taking him slumming." Beatrice went up to him and looked straight into his eyes.

Men enjoyed him in these moods; and as he raised his voice, so he enlarged the circle of his audience. "If the by-laws of this town were worth a bilberry," he was saying, "about a thousand so-called houses would have to come down to-morrow. Now there's that old woman I was talking about just now Hullins. She's a Catholic and my governess is always slumming about among Catholics that's how I know.

I felt it in the air, and that was the reason I stayed until everybody else had gone. I knew you wished to confess." "But I didn't." "Not even to ease your conscience?" "My conscience is perfectly easy." "But you said it was worse than slumming." "It is. Slumming is aristocratic and conservative; I am about to be radical." "Don't tell me it is spectacles and statistics," Bobby pleaded.

You might remember this is Massachusetts, not New York." "Well, this Massachusetts lettuce I'm perfectly convinced that they used it for floor-rags before they went and lost it in the sandwiches and this thick crumby bread oh, it's unspeakable. I do wish you wouldn't poke around in these horrid places, mama, or else leave me in the car when you are moved to go slumming.

"But what about you, Dunn?" asked Linklater, with a kind of curious uncertainty in his voice, as if dreading a tale of calamity. "Oh, I've loafed about town a little, golfing a bit and slumming a bit for a chap that got ill, and in spare moments looking after Martin here." "And the International?" Dunn hesitated. "Come on, old chap," said Martin, "take your medicine."

She had been swaggering all the evening. She acted like a duchess at a slumming party. The Prof and I followed her. Oswald was teetering the trunk in the old familiar way, with one ear fastened to its shiny side. "It's true! It's true!" he says in hushed tones. "The keys are gone." "Naughty, naughty!" says Lydia. "Haven't I told you I took them out?"

A merry little Group went slumming Saturday afternoon. They attended a Ball Game. Loretta had her Chin over the Railing and evinced a keen Interest, her only Difficulty being that she never knew which Side was at bat. At dusk she began hanging on the Family Jewels. It was a formal Dinner Party with a list made up by Dun and Bradstreet.

Occasionally they visited the trenches as society folk go slumming, and came back proud of having seen a shell burst, having braved the lice and the dirt. "The trenches are the slums," said our guest. "We are the Great Unwashed. We are the Mud-larks." There was a trench in the salient called J. 3. It was away out in advance of our lines. It was not connected with our own trench system.

Now it is fashionable to be democratic, to pretend that no virtue or wisdom can exist outside corduroy, and to abuse the middle classes. One season we go slumming, and the next we are all socialists. We think we are thinking; we are simply dressing ourselves up in words we do not understand for the gods to laugh at us." "Don't be pessimistic," retorted the Minor Poet, "pessimism is going out.

You've been slumming." "Slumming?" gasped his lordship. "You couldn't have described a place like that unless you had been," said Miss Rose nodding. "I hope you took the poor people some nice hot soup." His lordship tried to explain, but without success. Miss Rose persisted in regarding him as a missionary of food and warmth, and spoke feelingly of the people who had to live in such places.